
@wjglenn: 4* or more GB requires x64, not 6.

@hobnob: Thanks for that, where is your source? Just want to check it out, I haven't seen anything about Cisco licensing out the name.

Since Apple seems to love litigation, im eagerly awaiting the C&D from Cisco.

@jeffk: I agree with this statement 1000%. Devices and printers....seriously? It took me about 5 minutes to find that yesterday trying to add a printer to the lady's laptop

PSI has been around for a while now. Its an absolute disgusting hog of resources. I think it should be the responsibility of software developers to integrate an autoupdater into their products and not have some stupid daemon always running the background checking for it.

@Jukebox: Razor is one of the oldest groups around too, one of the best. FLT retired a long time ago. last thing they put out was Bioshock 2 i believe.


giveaway of the day gave the pro version away for free dec 30th of last year.

Just upgraded my existing PAF. I keep this USB drive with Portableapps on my keys along with another folder of antispyware removal goodies.

@Kiri Komori: I did the same thing. Installed in to my desktop a few days ago, did a quick scan and soon as it decided to talk to me i remembered exactly why I uninstalled version 4.xx.

@Kiri Komori: I did the same thing. Installed in to my desktop a few days ago, did a quick scan and soon as it decided to talk to me i remembered exactly why I uninstalled version 4.xx.

I smell a C&D coming from Nintento.

@bobkoure: Yep, couldnt have said it better myself. Thats what I indicated it was a multi step process that includes it :)

Im ripping a DVD using DVD Fab as we speak for a friend :)

For simplicity, I vote DVDShrink or DVDFab

@UnderLoK: I agree, Norton and Mcafee's corporate solutions are much better and efficient then their home ones.