How about: fuck the both of ‘em.
How about: fuck the both of ‘em.
Because white people can’t comprehend being denied things. It’s not within their set of experiences to not be allowed to do things others can do. Sort of like interacting with a police officer without fearing for their safety or not being eyed suspiciously when walking through an upscale store is for people of color.
Except that Amazon actually fought for (and won) the right to not pay employees for time that they were required to remain on Amazon premises and be searched by the company to prevent theft..
okay Caity Weaver + Tiffany Haddish is a matchup I can get behind. brb off to mainline that GQ article, which I assume will overwhelm me with charming absurdity.
Elon Musk confuses me, I don’t know if I should root for him, be annoyed at him, be happy his brain exists, and many other scenarios.... thoughts?
If we’re gonna be fair to Manziel, he actually hits the nail on the head when it comes to why Kap isn’t in the league.
Through millions of years of evolution, we have developed a fight or flight instinct. Instinct being physical actions our body will take to survive a dangerous situation without having to stop and consider or delay, which could mean death.
I don’t “get” Ready Player One, and I’m a sci-fi/fantasy geek. When I saw the preview I thought it might have been a commercial or something.
I keep saying when businesses like Snapchat, Applebees, IHOP and others show who they really are, believe them and stop dealing with them.
A quick internet search tells me that not only does United carry way more animals than other airlines, but that United checks dogs and cats and also rabbits and household birds, which most other airlines refuse. They also will transport brachycephalic dog breeds, which most other airlines refuse. So I’m sure that has…
You can believe several things at once. You can believe that police shouldn’t shoot innocent black men. You can believe that people, period, shouldn’t be shooting other people. You can believe that the Rodney King verdict, which influenced the verdict in the Simpson case, was a mockery of justice. You can also believe…
It was aired to do what Fox News does best, make white people angry and afraid.
I have every confidence that Cynthia Nixon possesses a far greater intelligence than Arnold Schwarzenegger and Andrew Cuomo combined.
I listened to a podcast the other day that explained part of the reason why this is becoming more frequent. It’s not all because of the death of retail, and even as a someone who generally keeps up with business and economic news it was something I hadn’t quite realized.
as a jew who is very anti-zionist, no this isn’t about israel and not everyone (or arguably most) who is uncomfortable with this situation is pro-Trump, pro-Netanyahu
FYI, a majority of American Jews do not support Netanyahu (I’m not even sure a majority of Israeli Jews do), want more support and rights for Palestine, and really do not follow the Zionist philosophy in many ways (unless you define “Zionist” the way Simon Schama does, which is basically believing Israel has a right…
I really feel for her son, who seems like a smart, intuitive, good kid. He looks and sounds hurt and stressed. I have to wonder if he’ll cut ties with his mother once he’s older.
Honest to gob, some of the men that I’m the most frustrated with during the whole #metoo movement are gay men. I’ve got a few gay colleagues who think that being gay gives them a pass on the shitty way they treat women and I. am. over. it.
It’s so crazy how some people don’t respond well to a random “hey tell me if you’ve ever been sexually assaulted!”