
Meanwhile, millions wish he didn’t show up to work until after 2020…

Who lives, who dies...

Nah, the post-Crisis DC was one timeline (Elseworlds stories aside) until after Kingdom Come, when Superboy introduced “HyperTime” as a way of revisiting some of those classic stories (and Elseworlds) that got crazy goofy. That was pretty contained and they made a point of how hard it was to access HyperTime.

I mean, I doubt the showrunners won’t even start working on it until next summer.

I wonder if this will be the end of Oliver Queen? Perhaps Arrow ends or it continues without Oliver. I know thats a bold thing that sounds impossible, but that show, or at least the actors on it, might be looking to wrap it up. And with the introduction of Batwoman, we have a defacto replacement for the brooding angry

What’s funny about COIE is that it was actually a) unecessary b) created as may problems as it solved (Hawkman, Legion, Wonder Girl, etc) c) began to unravel almost immediately which required reboots every decade and d) see “a” as we’re back to infinite worlds and have added more with whatever the fuck Batman Metal

Ah, good old DC Films:  The House of Ideas We Violently Yanked from the CW:

It’s been said a thousand times, but I’m trying to imagine what the reaction would be if all of these hysterical tweets were sent by a female political leader. It’s unimaginable. 

Today’s GOP really is masterful at being the dickhead bully while all the same time, playing the victim damsel in distress.

Thank you for your perspectives.

They’re going to claim victimhood anyway. Look at Trump. He’s always the victim.

Aye, you can’t possibly argue that Reeves wasn’t the absolute boy scout version of the character. He is the shining light, beacon of hope version compared to Snyders grim dark fiasco.

Feeling’s mutual.

Fuck, I’m realizing that we haven’t seen a single Batman standalone film that’s taken place in space and now it’s all I want.

Probably because some fans don’t give isolated incidents the same weight as consistent behavior. Did Batman have space adventures? Yes. Would movie about Batman as a space adventurer be “out of left field” for the character? Yes, it would.

Yeah, I totally saw it coming in the goofy, campy movie, it was so unsurprising that I didn’t realize how brutal and over the top it was until someone told me, since it was played as a joke. In the cerebral, mature film that was about there being no easy answers, I never thought it would end in a quick and weighty

And you’re completely and utterly wrong. Flawed, hell yes. But it’s nonetheless the best Superman movie ever made (number 2 is The Iron Giant). Granted that’s not hard to do given its awful initial sequels, the Singer dull reboot/sequel and completely an utterly wrong Murderman reboot, but to say that there’s nothing

You know, this article could have so easily been given the opposite spin by pointing out all the homages being paid to the various incarnations of the Superman story. But nope, not only did it have to take a negative spin along with dissing a freaking tv poster, it dumps on Donner’s Superman. Which, I am sorry, is

It’s truly remarkable the amount of Republicans who believe we should go back to this era because it was somehow ‘manly’ to risk dying by deceptive food poisoning. If it weren’t Wiley I promise you these ignorance fucktards wouldn’t have been born as their dirt poor fore bearers would have probably suffered enough