Okay, well that makes it slightly more tilted from his innocence but it makes sense when a company blows you off.
Okay, well that makes it slightly more tilted from his innocence but it makes sense when a company blows you off.
I’m not sure Corey’s response was completely entitled because in all honestly are we really sure he said that? Anyone working so hard to clamp down on criticism of their own community I don’t feel should be considered a trust voice. Plus Nolan’s recap of what happened could be skewed especially if Corey said, “I’m not…
I want it on Neverwinter, my friends play it on PC but they picked it up after I started on the PS4, and I’m not about to create a new character from scratch just to play with them. So this would be awesome.
I think Batman Begins and the Dark Knight are both amazing movies and they deserve a place in cinema history, Dark Knight Rises though, not so much. Yet Nolan’s Batman trilogy gave rise to Watchmen, a decent adaption of a great graphic novel but from then on DC believed the only way to do their characters right is…
Yeah I’m surprised Mr. Talking Dead has real fans. I get he shows up on a few different geeky shows and events but to hear he has actual rabid fans that could organize a harassment campaign that is more than say six angry DMs on someone’s Twitter page is both interesting and frightening. Hearing Hardwick has real fans…
This looks intresting and I’m getting excited but Nero’s partner....arm builder....whatever, I can’t stand the heavy faux accent. Sounds like Miley Cyrus voiced her.
Valid, there really isn’t a good explanation for why an administration would want to or just claim how dumb the president is.
There is tons of stars needed here people!
If that is true its either shows that this administration is just slightly less dumb than they appear (but somehow more petty?) or just covering for how dumb they appear.
I need to know the rest of the list of games but FFVII is a good start to making me want to get this.
I don’t know either of these people, I don’t know if they are just cast in a bad light here or just immature but if the person you want to propose to says hey when you propose to me do it in front of a large crowd like at a convention, they maybe a bit conceited. Plus if she thinks that a relationship devolves into a…
At what point in the movie will Kamehame meet Goku and give him his super powers?
Yeah you might be right, about the latter. The former...meh probably not.
Is it a new character or is an existing character like Ali G?
This is one of those, I’ll believe it when I see it things. I honestly thought the one group that could take crown from MS and Sony was Valve/Steam and the Steam Machine. Yet that kind of fizzled. So Google coming in and trying something sounds interesting but rumors like these happen often enough that I’m not putting…
I’m not sure what French courts are like but in America this would set a dangerous precedent where you could start seeing cases of people suing for damages for only having X amount of sex in X amount of years thus “deserves” X amount of money. So while I think its fine for the court to blame the man for being the…
You seem like a really nice person and I’m sure your mom is to but don’t contribute to the antivax parade by deeming it possible. Everyone has probably met a doctor who harbors strange ideas on medicine and while some people have never been harmed they potentially could. Hell, when I was kid my brother was having an…
I never said the Rock wasn’t a good actor or he isn’t profitable, he does pick movies by throwing darts though. My point is that I can’t believe that anyone is other than the Rock is excited for Black Adam. I don’t think comic fans are excited and while I’ve heard the character may not be a villain my question is what…
Its decent, its not great its just decent. Its kind of a paint by the numbers adventure movie. Its still by and large the best DCEU movie but its not amazing if we were to hold it up on its own.
Is anyone but the Rock excited for Black Adam? I was still waiting for when that movie goes to shoot and the Rock stops production midway through because he finally figures out Black Adam is a bad guy.