
I do not know understand Marvel’s fascination with keeping Peter as a teen. I like Peter as an adult. Let Miles be the teen and Parker be the mid-20's adult that can pass on information about life and being a Spider-esque crime fighter to Miles and other spider based heroes. Enough with teenage Peter, especially now

It’s not gonna happen?

I’m not sure that I agree with you. I don’t think Rocksteady’s Arkham series (lets pretend WB Montreal’s Origins doesn’t exist) should be the exception to the licensed gaming is never good rule and instead could be one of the first of the “This licensed game is awesome” trend. I actually thought we would have a ton of

I know the mechanics are exactly the same as the last Lego game but being a Marvel fan I’ll get it and enjoy every second of it. I felt the same way for Lego Marvel and Deadpool before that. Its nice to have a Marvel game that isn’t mobile only.

I’m actually okay with it, it feels like its taking the parody aspects up a notch by having the actor’s voice but pairing it with silly visuals.

So as someone who believes a sexy video game party game isn’t the worst idea that designers could cook up (the worst is every other non-Nintendo Wii game....cooking games...really?), too bad there as never been a game to fulfill this strange requirement. I think this is the dumbest thing ever. It was like Ubisoft

I truly believe AR/VR will fail. It just like all other hardware without lots of content (3D and 4K) is touted as the next big thing but will struggle to gain a foothold in the market.

I was more referring to large development studios when I said they fold but as for small time development I do think we may see Indie games from developers that are literally one completed game and then they leave the field. I’m not saying gaming will potentially be done in a few years but I think AAA titles will be

I think he was laughing at something that was said before the camera landed on him and just happened to get brushed up against Gaga but he is still a tool.

They don’t...they fold. I think in this very possible future you will see EA, Take2 and few other major publishers but fewer and fewer development houses. We very well might go to a world where there is one AAA game a year or even every other year. If you aren’t a fan of said title then you won’t buy a game and

I would love to believe he wrote the script and handed it in years ago and there really isn’t much for him to do and he finally quit but I feel like that is just not true.


Thank you!!!! No truer words have been spoken...publically unless Valve is busting ass behind the scenes.........but probably not. So your comment still rules.

I want to believe he wrote the script to HL3 before leaving Valve. I will hold onto this belief no matter how damning the evidence is against it.

The AAApocalypse does bother me. We are seeing fewer and fewer big name titles every year.

I want to ask a different question, does the price really matter? Even at a full $300 less, would the Rift have gone over like gangbusters? My thinking is that VR has been touted as the next big thing for years, right behind 3D movies, 4K, and wearable tech. So with all these other devices being the next big thing and

Reading through the replies it looks like no one on Kotaku really has the disposable income for this thing. So who is Oculus marketing to? Are we able to identify the disposable income and no responsibilities demographic?

I agree this does not need to be marketed to kids but as an adult gamer with a mortgage and credit card payment, I don’t think they are marketing to me either. What demographic is the “I can afford tons of shit and have no responsibilities?”

Lets not forget where the Sheriff said it would be easier to kill Avery than frame him. Shining beacon of humanity there, huh?

The lab work pissed me off. I actually felt bad for the lab tech though. I think she was basically collateral damage in the state’s railroad job. She looked kind of terrified and confused as to why they allowed her to present tainted evidence and that she had to sell it.