This might show me to be a very dull person, but among the many pictures on my wall, I had a mid eighties Subaru Sambar. I just loved them.
This might show me to be a very dull person, but among the many pictures on my wall, I had a mid eighties Subaru Sambar. I just loved them.
The only car allowed to do the Mazda happyface thing.
I know the picture won't work because Nibbles and I don't get along, but if AOTD still existed the Chevrolet Opala would be on it, despite the hideous interior on the later models.
Dude, that time you stubbed your cigarette out on my cat's head (yes, really), it's all forgiven and forgotten. I want to show you there's no hard hard feelings by giving you a Ferrari...
Good call. The first was classy. The rest, not so much. That my step-mother-in-law liked them tells me all I need to know...
"They don't feel comfortable with it. They hate the experience."
People have got to stop saying "Multipla". It's making me sad. I like it. The Ford Scorpio however...
Needs more door handles.
Looks like I'll have to go to Uzbekistan for my fix of Daewoo.
What's going to happen to the Daewoo that's really a Buick? I think it's called the Alpheon or something.
I was over on Autoblog reading the comments, expecting them to be mainly positive, but they weren't. I come here and it seems like a majority appreciate what Hyundai's doing with this. What accounts for the difference, I wonder?
@tapz: Oui, tu as raision.
Some love for the Dyane, s'il vous plaƮt
I'm a stone cold baby-eating non-believer, but there's just something a little bit, well, uncool about the vibe of this post Ray.
I always consider the yearly posting of the "Irish Car Bomb" recipe on St. Patrick's Day to be a low point for Jalopnik, but at least I know what day not to read.
Cadillac Volt?