
@Dhaman: Picture missed.

I remember having one for Toy Story (first one).

Signed up. Very interesting, thanks LH!

Bawww, can I pet it?

I'm not a huge fan of the preset cities (not that they're bad or anything). I just wish you could choose your own city.

Some neat ones, #14 for example. The Tf2 one is just bad.

Really nice deals on that hardware. Any opinions on the Saitek mouse though? Or should I go for the G500?

Oh man, Cingular.

Now this guy is art.

I hate rankings. The best thing to do is actually visit the college and get the atmosphere. Hey, you're gonna (possibly) live there for the next 4 years, you should go where /you/ feel you'll do well. It's mainly the reason I chose UCSB. (Good engineering school too. :D )

Being a fan of Les & Survivorman, this article was a fantastic read. I'm excited for the new series now.

Time to flip a coin?

Haha, reminds me of Sigur Ros.

That thing...behind all those wires...are those the plans to the /Death Star/?

@Wafflemao: It never really was on our side.

That's gotta be fun to climb up and slide down.

Woo! Free business cards! My title: Center of the Universe.

@scojac: I knew it looked wrong. :(

Queue "Atlas" jokes?

Not as cool-looking as the promo website suggests.