Giant scoprions. Giant sharks. This fucking thing. Prehistoric bodies of water were just great big puddles of Nope. I’ll take my chances on land with the giant murder-chickens, thank you very much.
Giant scoprions. Giant sharks. This fucking thing. Prehistoric bodies of water were just great big puddles of Nope. I’ll take my chances on land with the giant murder-chickens, thank you very much.
This blog chewed out The OA for lack of diversity-meaning-black characters, ignoring that three of the characters are Asian (one transgender, one Asian-Latino, one South Asian).
Claim victory? Yes. Go home? Dude, we still haven’t figured out to how to get home from Afghanistan.
That is why Gundam MS 8th Team is so good. The story is actually how land warfare would be waged with advanced weapons.
Oh man, Luther is so good. I’m always pulling for Idris. He’s the real deal.
Man, if only the Army would stop training our troops to stand up in an open field and fire their M16s at mythical Iranian drone tanks.
It never ceases to amaze me why so many Americans cannot take a moment and consider how fucking scary this country is to the rest of the world. Not saying we are evil but any country with such a disproportionate amount of power is frightening. You forgot to mention that Bay frequently insults Iran including some…
Sure, if Iran had the Metal Slug or Blaster Master tank with cheat codes engaged, I believe the premise of their story.
Surprised you didn’t mention Idris Elba. In his 40s and just missing the right script to be an A+ lister. Sure, he hasn’t built his career on C movies, but arguably neither has Michael B. Jordan.
For some reason this came to mind...
On the flip side in US movies (and more often than not in reality) we’ve been annihilating Iran, China, Afghanistan, Korea, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Sudan, Liberia, Croatia, Libya, Panama, and probably 20 other countries for years.
Trump’s not in the animation. I don’t think he gives much of a shit over it.
Ever see The Day After? That one really fucked with me.
If the entire point of his video was to try and be as edgy as possible, this is *exactly* along the lines that i figure someone like pewdiepie to do. His intent was to stir up shit. Of COURSE he chose something like that. He could have also said quite a handful of other things that would have been equally as bad. If…
Being offended by something is nothing more than egotistical self preservation. Being offended is a choice.
Hot take: people are stupid.
Kellyanne Conway Multipass?
Youtubers like this are the new generation of Radio Shock Jocks; empty and vapid content that aims for trashy and offensive, disturbingly popular, and annoying as all fucking hell.
I love pizza more than just about anyone, but most of those pizzas just look like diarrhea
waiting to happen.
I love pizza more than just about anyone, but most of those pizzas just look like diarrhea waiting to happen.