
lol for any union comments. NC being a Right to Work state means teachers have no actual union. That is why this protest had zero impact and why the NC GOP will just slam through their planned tax break for the wealthy and shit on teachers like usual. No repercussions and hey hey! Don’t forget a lot of those rural

HAHAHAHA-NO. Tax break for the riiiiiiiiiich!

Rural NC teachers likely fucking voted these stupid GOP assholes into power anyhow. They are eating the exact shit they deserve.

And you got to love that the GOP is just like “Fuck you, tax break still happening” after 20,000 people show up in Raleigh. Like, total disregard for the actual teachers and their legitimate grievances. And they aren’t asking for anything more than just being on par with the national average. Fuck this stupid state

Yep. Very old indeed.

That paints a picture... a very old picture.

Wow. Absolutely fantastic.

I’m sure the Nazis would approve of that logic.

...are you a Boomer or something? I am in my 30s and none of that was a thing when I was a kid.

Pickles add a briny component to help cut through fat and grease. It adds depth and dimension to a one-note sandwich. Just as mayo adds a creamy smoothing component. There is a reason why the Chick-fil-A sandwich formula is such a success.

“liberal elites”

So... you don’t have empathy and are not a Christian. GOT IT.

Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww. Really? That is just so staggeringly out of touch with reality.

Ding ding ding.

...fuck. The Onion is supposed to be satire.

Yeah, god forbid the Palestinians leave their ghetto! Who do they think they are, free people?! Horseshit! Kill ‘em all before they can be a threat, amirite?!

...I was so torn. This deserved a star... but 69 (nice) gave me pause.


“I have emerged from it a changed man.”

In the name of national security, no less!