
Nah, this is all just happening in Tommy’s World.

Except this is more like if you did crash in Rafi’s house (with the help of powerful neighbors) and started shooting him and his friends for trying to come back in.

Bibi is the Hitler. Trump is Il Duce.

It is just a player endurance challenge.

Jesus christ, NG+7 fists only Midir? God damn. That is nuts to watch.

¿Porque no los dos?

lol right. Sure that is what I do. You poor thing, who jilted you so bad you got to Kinja stalk someone?

Faulty analogy attempt. Nice try, but not remotely applicable.

“The breaks have gone out!” crashing into the lake. He’d then laugh as they tried to swim to shore and he drove off.

This is so on point, it hurts.

Good job using “them” to make it sound like they are a single groupmind. They must all share the grievances of Splinter writers, because they are all the same! 

Oh, so because I am a straight white guy, my opinion is invalid? You have zero knowledge of my history or experience - not one bit. I could literally work for an LGBTQ+ support organization and you wouldn’t have a clue or hell, I may not even be a straight white guy; it is all assumption on your end.


Atlas has only been around for 5 years and still is only getting closer to a bipedal robot capable of a task. It isn’t like it is easy to mimic human function in a robot - give it time.

Giant robot giraffe you say?

When the bitching is bitching just to bitch (ie every GawkerSplinter article), then yeah “shut up and stop complaining”, because holy shit they drone on and on about non-issue bullshit 99.9% of the time. If it is a legitimate grievance, sure, raise the concern. It gets tiresome when the writers here hone in on

Aw, hun, still here looking a fool? In the words of the asshole you are defending, “SAD!”

Can we just get publicly-funded elections now? That would make it much harder to legally bribe people, like our current system enables.

But... it doesn’t say ice cream on the label. How can he confuse it for something it doesn’t advertise itself as?