Bullllllllllllshit. Like you didn’t post that to shame him in some way. Give me a break. Body shaming seemed obvious, since it is him half naked. But whatever spin you want to deflect with, you still seem like a dickhead for posting this extremely irrelevant picture.
Yeah! Body shaming! That’ll show ‘em who has the moral high ground!
Seriously, the world is doing really well overall. The hole in the ozone layer is closing, Europe and Asia are making huge progress for renewable energy, etc. We are trying to undo the damage, even if the Trump regime and its GOP lackeys are fighting it now, it won’t last. Most of the world realizes what needs to be…
Because it is an extremely dumb position?
...wut? Of course it costs money. It requires trained staff and medical implements in a hospital equipped to handle any potential complications, etc.
This is going to sound mean, but I swear it isn’t: Go seek counseling and/or take some time off from the internet. That level of doom & gloom is a bit out of touch with our current reality. I know things are pretty bad, but they are not that bad. The world is overall doing pretty damn well, even in our currently…
That is about Ethiopians. Not Palestinians. If it is genocide, it is the least successful one in history.
The epitome of the internet crutch. When all else fails, throw DK out and hope it sticks! Nice.
Right. A single keystroke error really changes the whole thing, right? :D 6' banner, not 6" and it resulted in a daily sigh from me as I pulled into work. Glad it is gone now... to be replaced with the GOP idiot running in the midterms.
They have had 70 years to wipe them out. If that was their intended goal, they are failing miserably.
Spartacus is ridiculous. In a good way. Definitely had a pretty solid parity in nudity. The one key thing missing was hard dicks. That always annoyed me. How can you show sex scenes - some interrupted! - and always flaccid. Such nonsense and that is coming from a straight male. I am with you in that seeing naked men…
I was just joking a bit. But his character really didn’t seem like a male power fantasy to me - a lot of emotion to it. Though I guess that all depends on what you deem a male power fantasy.
body mod spikes
Right. Not for 70 years. You’d think if it was a genocide, it’d be over already.
...how... how did you not realize? It is like you didn’t actually see the film or something.