
Agreed. The past few seasons I feel like a lot of the queens miss the nuance of the songs and start at a 10. (There’s also a lot of kicks and death drops in songs that don’t really need kicks and death drops.) Brita started at about a 9 and by the first chorus was all the way at 10 with nowhere to go at the end.

The more lipsyncs I watch, the more I appreciate the (eternally underrated) Sasha Velour’s take on them: people remember the props, but what I remember is her going from sad to fragile to hysterical to happiness depending on the verse, and Brita was closer to this in the lipsync. Just smile when you sing “let it go”,

You’re fun. 

So I know that I’m in the minority here as a fan of Joanie’s story, but it seems you’re actively trying to dislike the show/Joanie at this point. To me it was clear from the start that this season is about the effect trauma has on descendants. That was always a component of Alison’s story and something she worried

How come this film buff seems only vaguely familiar with Noah Solloway, when the whole dang story was turned into a huge feature film with that A-List jackass?

What’s this we shit?

Of course this is all still test for the original Four as much as a new experiment. The last season finale has shown us that John was there to test Tahani and Simone was there to get to Chidi. Both were widely successful.

“So while Furkat’s apology does appear genuine, and the art piece is both kind of sweet and disturbingly invasive”

Whitney’s story was lazy. So this weirdo asshole from her past pops up and offers her THE EXACT PERFECT THING SHE’S ALWAYS WANTED in exchange for a degrading (but consensual) experience? If only every woman’s terrible sexual encounters played out half so well. And I expected a sharp character like Whitney to connect a

Raven was definitely underused this season, but I did really like her and Clarke embracing in shared grief over Abbie dying, who was a mother figure for both of them, though not a very good mother (she sent Clarke down to the ground to die in season one, as Raven told her)

Personally think this score is too high. The setup for the final season is intriguing but not really earned IMO.

Seasons of The 100 ranked:

I love how they lampshaded the fact that the villains Rose and Magda have not been interesting for a few seasons now. 

I mean, Sharon, Jinx, Sasha, and Aquaria are the only white main season winners, so it’s not exactly as if the show is drowning in white people. Granted, three out of five AllStars are white, but no one in their right mind would argue Chad and Alaska didn’t deserve it solidly over everyone else.

Every single fault of this season came down to the show itself: bad production, lazy challenges, poor calls made on eliminations, etc. Because the cast themselves were one of the best in YEARS. So much talent, great chemistry, amazing looks, funny, etc. I think they would have shined so much more given better material

Hooray for Yvie! She really killed it. That headpiece was amazing. All in all a pretty good finale. The Stonewall history lesson was a nice touch.

When you stop and think about it, having your mind replaced with someone else is not the first place you go to when someone is acting out of character. And let’s face it. Clarke has not been overly consistent with her approach to life’s problems.  

I want to think that Murphy is conning Josephine and lean toward that, both because he should be that smart and he should not risk his good standing with Emori again. But, he did seem really freaked out recently by the prospect of dying and going to hell. Mostly I think I believe in Murphy though.

Admittedly, making Josephine the most noticeable antagonist rather than her dad was a twist I wasn’t totally expecting. God only knows what Abby read in her eugenics book to make gladiator cannibalism seem tame by comparison.

Queen Blodreina talked Kane to death!