
you’re kidding right? Z1000 small displacement?

Jason, an article about turning back a Ferrari’s odometer and not a single reference to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off? For shame.

TL:DR - They still sound like shit.

NRA Member here. Typically AAA gets the best discounts, so thats what I lean on. All this means for me is that:

Cancelled my reservation for next week with Enterprise, and now Avis has my business. Also renewed my NRA membership today as well.

You are the person I loath at car shows.

Isn’t a bunch of cocaine supposed to spill out of it when you do this?

Counterpoint. I would brave the fires of hell and tune these six Webers everyday in order to own a Miura...

And yet there are pre-orders from Anheuser Busch, PepsiCo, WalMart, Bee’ah, Posten Norge, Sysco, DHS, UPS, Ryder, JB Hunt, Asko, Loblaws... and the list goes on.

Now that’s gorgeous.

Yeah. I’m not a designer, and so I can’t say why, but it looks odd and ill-proportioned. For comparison...

In the UK if you have a car on the street without insurance, you’re committing a crime. End of story. And to be honest this would have been picked up by pretty quickly by a traffic warden anyway; they do DVLA checks for tax as they go now (because UK cars don’t have tax discs anymore), and no insurance would mean no

The crime wasn’t blocking traffic. The crime was driving without insurance.

How do you use a flatbed to pick up a car that’s parallel parked? That’s a more common incident.

Turbo Saabs ingeniously communicate engine power to the driver by forcibly pulling the steering wheel to one side.

I had a TDI that could automatically detect if it was on rollers so it could go into a special mode to pass the emissions test.

I’m not sure how many times I have to restate this for people to understand, but all BMWs come with turn signals, and their owners use them at all appropriate times. They just flash in a color that peasants can’t perceive.

You can almost fully disassemble a Kia or Mazda with a 10mm wrench.

Anecdotal evidence suggests this is a feature removed from later models, but E30s also have turn signals.
