It would have been better if he took them around the Nurburgring at 150 mph and scared the shit out of them.
It would have been better if he took them around the Nurburgring at 150 mph and scared the shit out of them.
I feel like that was probably cut-content.
Come on, Clarkson. Beating ICE with an electric car was “astonishing” 10 years ago. Now it’s overdone, tired, and quite honestly if you know anything about electric motors, obvious. Where’s the circuit test?
Why do you think they gave it to Clarkson and not Hammond?
I’ve never seen or heard of a remote start system that just lets you get in and go ,…
Because some people wouldn’t know what to do with themselves if there was nothing to be offended about. Don’t like it? Don’t watch it and maybe if enough people do that they’ll change their minds.
I could see him fitting in with Clarkson, Hammond, and (maybe) May.
I think what sets it apart from other supercars for me, at least, is that McLaren didn’t set out to build a track-destroying monster. They wanted to build “the ultimate road car”, and they succeeded. It’s a car you just want to get in and drive for hours. It happens to be incredibly fast, but it doesn’t have to be…
You’re Not from Around Here, Are You?
World’s fastest naturally aspirated car.
Yeah which would you rather import? Japanesse reliability or British reliability? Yeah I’d take the TVR too
The LS7 will go down in my book as one of the most legendary engines. It came out during a time when there were very very few NA production engines that cracked 500 HP. It was hand built, by Chevrolet no less. Having said that, good god the C6 generation has aged miserably next to the C7. Every time I see one on the…
I still have a hard time taking Joey seriously
The Jar jar binks of vehicles
We give the aliens communism. The alien society self-destructs before they can conquer us.
I feel that’s still more socially acceptable than funding your race team through Payday Loan fraud f*ckery and just straight up inventing fake debts that people will get hounded by unscrupulous debt collectors:
Give it up Jalopnik, no amount of writing is going to convince us this series is that interesting. Just stop.