Damone's Five-Point Plan

honestly, I feel such grief for Hunter Biden. This is - I just - I’m speechless. What an evil, evil woman. Pure wickedness. Hunter has gone through so much, and I genuinely fear for his well-being amidst these incessant attacks. They can’t rattle Joe Biden by going after Joe Biden, so they go after his living son,

I don’t understand what she’s even trying to “prove”.

At least MTG stated that Hunter paid this person for their services, unlike her hero trump. Also trump admitted he had not paid taxes for at least 30 years, at the debate claiming that, “That’s what I call being smart.” So Marge, you now can go back into that hole in the ground you crawled out of. Hunter pleaded

Republicans are doing an excellent job convincing me Hunter Biden knows how to have a good time.

What it takes?

She literally put (stolen) porn on daytime TV, but it’s supposedly the drag queens and libraries that are sexualizing kids? 

Oh man! Defense lawyers will love that line of logic.

One more goose step towards Fascism, especially if MGT doesn’t face any sort of repercussions. 

Can’t wait for hers to come out....on second thought...

This is unbelievable, they have absolutely no shame. Hillary was right when she called them deplorable.   

I hope Hunter Biden files a criminal complaint with the DC police department and initiates a civil lawsuit. I know that is exactly what that heinous attention seeking bitch is looking for, but it’s absolutely horrifying that a member of Congress would display a nude picture of a private citizen during a televised

I guess we’re about to see exactly how ironclad the speech and debate clause is.

That tears it - I’m definitely not voting for Hunter.

Possibly her function is to make him look respectable.  Not sure it’s working.

Ginger took to Twitter and Instagram to insist that people...”

Matt Gaetz’s wife is 20 years older than expected.

Same! I had no idea he was married!!

yeah, you’ve really gotta sue WHILE you dying of sepsis.

Matt Gaetz has a wife... I thought he just sex trafficked high-schoolers

“Well, the doctor’s misinterpretted the law!”