Damone's Five-Point Plan

If this guy wants people to have kids so badly, he could lobby Congress to pass a suite of bills that would encourage childbirth. I’m not planning on having kids anytime soon because they’re too fucking expensive. The government could alleviate that with paid parental leave, bigger child tax credits, universal pre-K,

None of this is surprising to the guy who thinks Twitter is some sort of bastion for free speech as long as you pay to be verified and abide by his arbitrary rules. And it’s awfully easy to run around impregnating women left and right when you’re a fucking billionaire who can afford to pay for their upbringing and

Sociopathy is a hell of a disorder. But worse are the millions of sycophants who prostrate themselves before damaged individuals like Musk and Trump.

Eh, deserving, but after the MAGA crowd put heat on him after Jan 6th, I suspect he’ll be popping up hard with his teary show in the media, trying to win them back.

Sixty-year-old South Carolinian Michael Propes didn’t go so far as to say he regreted voting Graham, but it does sound like he’s on his way there. “I voted for him years ago, I voted for him last year, but we need to vote him out,” Propes told USA Today.”

What a fucking idiot.

And if they’d stuck with just that, I doubt anyone except the extremely online would have even noticed. Maybe Tucker Carlson would have gotten a segment out of it. The bigger issue was the simultaneous interview with the Bud Light brand manager that came off as an insult to the existing customer base. It’s pretty easy

This article also leaves out that the brand manager for Bud Light did an interview where she said the product’s core customers were fratty and out of touch. If it had only been sending a beer can to a trans influencer it would have been just another example of rainbow capitalism that came and went, but the implication

Hard to imagine this oddball Ecuadorian gettin’ violent

I feel ill

Who knew Chrissy could find a new way to exploit motherhood?

It’s amazing how bad the court has become since the majority flipped. I still remember screaming (not literally) at my friends a family how important 2016 was and that the court be fucked for a generation if Trump won. 

Robot? No.

This list really seems to be: Here’s a movie set in this state, but down below we list a number of movies which are obviously and clearly better than the first movie we mentioned.

Taylor’s “next Trump” framing isn’t enough to justify him apparently sitting on these stories until he could profit off them. John Kelly’s tenure ended in 2019, and Trump ran for re-election between now and then. By all means get this information out, but no one should support this book.

Hey you know how you can tell someone isn’t genuinely interested in “taking down Trump?”

Yup. This is all shit they could have been saying at the time but didn’t because they were hoping to ride it out for their own gain.

Ivanka is 15 in that photo. That is way too old to be sitting, or even half-sitting, on your dad's lap. It's weird that she would do it, but it's beyond weird that be would allow it.

Trump sees everyone in the world as a means of his own gratification. He doesn’t care that she’s his daughter, he wants to ‘win’ something from their relationship.

Hey, Donald and I have something in common!

Actually, I don’t want to have sex with her. Lips that touch Jared will never touch me.

But I’d subscribe to her OnlyFans.

To be fair, it must be hard to remember which one is your kid when you had zero part in raising them.