The most spectacular dine-and-dash in history! No one has ever seen anything like it!
“In any case, congrats to this unconventional couple who isn’t letting a measly thing like a half-a-century age gap get in their way.”
I 100% believe the headline, that dropped to 50% with the multiple security guard involvement and about 6% with the “I don’t want him to be held accountable, just give me some money”
what do the “but god doesn’t make mistakes” crowd think of these people? i’d love to hear their take.
lmao yes i’m sure the NBA and Heat security round up women to be sexually assaulted by aging MMA fighters...... This has huge fucking cash grab all over it.
They believe the Oxford comma is unnecessary, showing that their opinion on just about anything should be ignored.
Yes. One of the AP Stylebook’s main tenets from the get-go has been to avoid jargon, and TERF is definitely jargon, and worse, it is jargon that the vast majority of people do not understand. Only very, very online people know what a TERF is. It is better to explain who these people are in plain language. This is…
Open letter to Jezebel for yet again failing to deep dive:
Dude looks like a giant douchebag. Dude acts like a giant douchebag.
Letting go of 1800 female religious leaders really just sounds like you’re setting up your own rival. SBBWWL (Southern Baptist But With Women Leaders) rolls off the tongue.
Southern Baptist convention. In New Orleans. Where I’m sure all of the delegates to the convention spent their time between sessions studying the Bible.
Nor does failing the Bechdel test, frankly. Even Alison Bechdel herself admits that. are being weird again.
So, I actually think they’re right about the existence of women pastors and other women in positions of authority being a precursor to the acceptance of homosexuality. I think Dan Savage nailed it when he described homophobia as misogyny’s little brother. Once gender roles fall away, and the breadwinner in the family…
As a former Catholic, as a child I had exposure to nuns who, while not doing the ceremonies of priests, had a lot of religious knowledge and responsibilities and were an integral part of the religious community. There was also no push to keep women in the home or prevent girls from seeking education and careers (this…
You ever want to watch hypocrisy in action, try to hit a small southern town with several Baptist Churches and maybe 1 other denomination within the limits.
If their message is “Yeah, why don’t these WHORES understand that they are INFERIOR?”, then I can’t imagine why young people are running away from organized religion in droves. It’s a conundrum.
“In general, it’s riskier for pregnant *women* to get covid than non-pregnant *people*”