Damone's Five-Point Plan

I was in high school so I always assumed that Avril Lavigne’s schtick was about as Hot Topic as you can get (and to quote MC Lars, “Hot Topic is not punk rock”), so she always seemed harmless. But in the subsequent years, she really seems like just an increasingly unpleasant person with weirdo tendencies. I find

She was married to Chad from Nickleback. Her credibility left the building long ago.

He can’t take the heat in a heavily secured building that he no doubt gets to enter and exit from a secure garage and then move through back hallways completely out of sight of the general public most likely with an armed guard at his side.

When Colorado legalized marijuana, the Attorney General of Nebraska (my fucking state) tried (and failed) to sue because it was in violation of federal law. But then, when the ACA became federal law, the same AG tried (and again failed) to sue because it was encroaching on state law. The hypocrisy is unending.

Why does the "party of small government" keep trying to enact such large political events?   I'd say they are liars and hypocrites but I'm just asking questions.

Kacsmaryk will issue an injunction to stop the distribution of this drug nationwide”

I mean people know that this Q&A was scripted and cleared with the celebrities, right?

Maybe it’s a generational thing (I’m Gen X) but when did people stop being able to take a joke? And I’m not talking about Malala, everyone on a message board is so full of themselves and love to get offended on someone else’s behalf.

This is fucking scary and infuriating. I really want to know how the contents of the group chat were acquired by the ex-husband. A husband/partner of one of the women friends? But where will that million dollars they’re asking for come from? This is probably all just to scare the shit out of women (and for the ex to

Oh good, a whole new way for abusive husbands to punish their spouses.

I wonder what kind of job her boy has that he will be able to pay for his kid’s needs. I have to imagine that they’ll need public assistance.

Hi guys. I live in a trailer park. Thanks for using my housing situation as shorthand for people you think are stupid and worse than you. Definitely nothing else to critique here other than the amount of money you perceive her to have had.

Abstinences-only IN PLACE of actual sex ed that teaches things like birth control.

To be fair, it’s not entirely inconsistent. Abstinence-only is statistically shown to jam teenage pregnancy rates through the roof. So we could argue that they are practicing what they preach.

So glad she’s standing up to these queer agenda LGBT types for trying to sexualize America’s chaste, innocent youth.

HA!!! When you make Sarah Palin look classy, you really should take a minute and examine your life choices.  

Well her politics also want to take us back to the time of 40 year human life expectancy, so a 36 year old grandmother checks out.

Given the source, I’m also presuming that her underlying givens are lies to begin with.


You'd have to dumpster-dive BEHIND the dollar store to find Boebert.