Damone's Five-Point Plan

I took a wonderful guided tour of Versailles back in the late 90s where they explained how the royals lived, and it 100% explained why they were so out of touch with the everyday people. I felt incredibly sad for them; they had absolutely no idea how to function as independent human beings, yet they were supposed to

I'm just riding out the string on here. We all know she doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning reelection. Everything she's doing should be viewed through the lens of "she's angling for a lucrative deal at Fox News once she finishes out her term."

IIRC that was Missouri's legislature 

Sinema has to dress in loud clothes to make up for her lack of personality. 

They do remember the national outrage when Obama wore a brown suit, right?

Yeah, there have been dozens of articles about it. Pretty obscene.

100%. Antoinette was just a teen doing teen shit after being made to become part of the ruling class. Sinema was a fully grown woman who actively sought this out and now wants to act like a petulant teen even though she’s nearing 50. What’s gross is that she and her supporters somehow think this is activism or some

My Mom says she looks like “The Flying Nun”.

Bart Simpson putting the “at least you tried” cake in the trash dot gif.

Of course she had to be the funny one in their scenes; Sandler hasn’t been funny since 1997

What a coincidence - Adam Sandler also made me realize that I could be the funny one too. I watched him and thought “Hey, if people think this guy is funny, then even I could be funny.”

…his chiropractor?

You cannot convince me that Emily isn’t trolling everyone with this article. I refuse to believe it.

Jesus. Can anyone imagine Jezebel publishing an article about a 51 year old man dating a 24 year old woman and asking how the man is able to tolerate the young woman and speculating about her sexual prowess? 

I have to assume that quite a lot of people who knew them back in the day must have figured it out, so someone probably would have outed them eventually.  

So if I wanted a 911 when I was 8 years old, does that mean I had a small penis but didn’t know it yet? 

Or we could just bring in Ye to do it.

Oh come on - should everyone who beats out Beyonce for an award be required to preface their acceptance with a boilerplate apology for taking what everyone knows was rightly hers?  And on this night in particular, where she won four others and became the most-awarded artist of all time??

England does not have a plethora of Ginourmous Bro-Dozers

They can’t handle the ham.