Damone's Five-Point Plan

It is Somalia.

Suspended, headless, from an overpass, for making it too obvious that they had been paid off to fix the game

There's nothing wrong with dating a 49er, but apparently it means you will get seated at the worst table in the restaurant. 

He actually wanted to meet Mia Khalifa but read the Pornhub star search wrong. 

I don’t know if she could do better, but I certainly think HE could do better.

Pictured:  Back problems, brain problems.

Third best pro team in Cali...so sad about USC’s fall from the top.

Garoppolo is 26. Mia is 41. Wonder which scene young Jimmy stumbled upon back in the day...

She's grotesque. She looks like a Kid Rock groupie. 

From the CBS link.

The NFL has really gone downhill. Teams are now fielding 14 year olds at QB.

Are you a bot? Why do all of your comments say the same thing?

The headline should actually read.Marc Gasol helps line the pockets of human traffickers”

I have a college friend who experienced something similar, but in reverse. He’s Jewish, but pretty much in name only, and when he was in his mid-20s married a Jewish girl. She was not especially religious, actually had been pretty wild. They started having kids and with each one she became more devout. Meanwhile my

That is a poor reflection on Kazakhstan

Hasidic and ultra-Orthodox Jews are the Wahabists of Judaism.

We have large numbers of hasidic families who visit at work, for a huge number of reasons (many of which are the same secular, standard families visit-it’s an important site in a NE city, it’s free to visit, it’s iconic, etc etc).

I don’t know to properly do kinja-quotes, but as to: “It is literally impossible for a beverage to be both bitter and refreshing.”

The brooklyn hassidic population owns huge swaths of williamsburg and yet live off government benefits. You also cant marry outside of the community so they have the highest instances of recessive genetic disorders of any population in the world. Renting from a Hassid landlord was the worst year of my life. 

not a libertarian, but feel like maybe I should point out that I don’t see any libertarians saying that she got what she deserved or whatever. They are usually pretty pro-privacy.