
Not Jewish, but live in Europe. I grew up in the southwest US and never really heard any anti-semitism except for my dad using “Jew down” as an epithet for bargaining at a flea market or something. I don’t think he meant it, and it was one of those micro-aggressions that’s embedded in language in some regions (he has

She looks like a goddamned Bratz doll! Creepy and not muppety in my opinion :(

The only problem with mixes is that you have to be able to aquire them, which is tough when you live abroad. Also, my from scratch cakes are the bomb dot com, although they’ve never had to hold up to the heat, transport, and time of a wedding cake.

Good points. I never really considered the first one, but I'm well aware that germans love their fizzy water. I, on the other hand, think the tap water here is super tasty, although very hard in my region.

Yet everyone still apologizes if they don't happen to have bottled water on hand :/

It’s a little bit annoying, but I started doing yoga with a hand towel on the short side of my mat that I would be facing for downward dog. It honestly helps, but it has to be shuffled around constantly. I’ve seen yoga socks, so I don’t understand why I can’t find gloves—although the bike gloves are a good suggestion,

I feel exactly the same. Mine are a bit bigger than yours, but it's a pain in the ass to find proper bras and clothes. I do have pain, but it's usually not toooo bad. I absolutely plan on having a kid or two, though, and breastfeeding them if possible, so I am going to hang on and wait. When the kids are done, I'm

Bleh, my hands are always sweaty :( Like, I have almost fallen on my face before while doing yoga because the sticky mats don't stop my sweaty hands from slipping around. It is a curse, seriously.

Not sure about Australia, but most places don’t have the same sick day system as the U.S. (thank god). In Germany, you basically have unlimited sick days. I mean, I’m sure there’s a cap, but I’m not sure what it is because no one I know worries about hitting it. You take your time for doctors’ appointments and sick

I totally lost my cool a few weeks ago (as a student), and it really did shock my colleagues into keeping their fucking mouths shut, but it was unfortunately mixed with an element of “bitches be crazy” which further irritated me. Like, bros, seriously? We're all adults here and I'm the one out of line when I blow up

First, as a student I look men directly in the face and say, “Stop! I am talking.” I had a really big issue with a few dudes in my German classes, and my teachers were annoyed with them but never handled it. So fucking irritating.

I teach adult foreign language classes, and men have an extremely irritating habit of talking the fuck over any woman in the room (sometimes even me), and totally dominating the conversation with inane shit and stupid questions. Rather, not all of my male students do this,but the students who do so are invariably

I just finished it for the first time, and it’s what I thought of as soon as I saw the top photo.

Yeah, credit card debt is embarrassing as fuck. It’s the only debt my husband and I have, and it’s all mine. I haven’t, however, added to it since we were married, and I’m happy to look around me and know that everything we own was bought outright. I hate that I have a shitload of credit card payments every month, but

I hate those fucking things, but I don’t hate the idea of hanging stuff. We installed a shitloadof hooks on the bottom of one of our shelves, and I swear hanging onions and lemons and things lengthen their shelf life.

My husband and I recently attended his company’s summer party, where there was a kiddy pool and bounce house and some sprinklers for the kids. I have never seen so many naked children in my life because I’m american. Nearly all of those kids were waaaaay past the age where it would be acceptable to run around nude in

I have to say that I really loved Calhoun’s essay. I think the most important and moving part of that piece—and honestly, of life—is being able to acknowledge that little “and yet” in our relationships.

Well, I totally know what I'm doing on Saturday!

I dunno, I haven’t really shopped at kohls for awhile, but it was my JAM in college. My opinion might be colored by nostalgia, tbh.

Sweeeeeet, I totally have one close to me! I mean, how could there not be? Look at that map!