If I remember correctly (and I probably don’t) Satan felt that god loved the humans more than angels and he wanted to be number one in gods eyes.
If I remember correctly (and I probably don’t) Satan felt that god loved the humans more than angels and he wanted to be number one in gods eyes.
The Difference is little to no hard working Americans have lost their job to an illegal immigrant whereas many Americans risk losing healthcare.
Ugh I hate dealers. About ten years ago went with my wife (then girlfriend) to help her with a car purchase. She had been searching for a specific car she really wanted for a while and we found two matches near us. After emailing back and forth with both dealers I got a good offer. We go in and take the car for a test…
I loathe how the default response to “suspect wont put his hands immediately behind his back” is to punch and beat him with your baton. I understand there will be some physical altercation when the suspect wont submit to being handcuffed but it seems like there was no other techniques tried except violence. I also…
I have the same question. As a mid 30's guy that has to greet groups of women in a retail setting on a regular basis what phrase should I use? I normally use “Hello Ladies” but it appears that is not an acceptable term? I used to use the term “guys” as a blanket term till I got called out on it a few time from women…
Obama was on the wrong side of the issue too. I think he wanted to go single payer but knew it wasnt possible so he did the best he could. Then he had to defend his half measure ending up with statements like that. Jason on the other hand is proud to champion a plan that will probably cause millions of Americans to…
My dad was a doctor and my mom was a school teacher. I know now we were upper middle class but not rich. I had the opportunity to go to a private school k-8th and right around 5th or 6th grade when the clothes you wore and the car your parents drove became important I was convinced we were poor because my mom drove a…
I was upper gold ending last season started this season inexplicably at bronze and like everyone else have had hell ranking up. I barely cracked gold by having several great runs as Symettra where I could find a good team or a few where I carried the win. However though i am now sitting firmly at 1700. I try to be…
I am surprised they lifted the order yesterday because it has already started to rain today.
I work in Oroville, CA and have been watching the news closely. They have gotten the water level low enough that it is no longer going over the emergency spillway. They now have a few precious days to fix the hole in the emergency spillway before the next storm comes in. I have not heard anything official but I am…
I wouldn’t shit on the guy for this. Just because someone did a profoundly generous act you than have to stay married forever? I guess I don’t know the whole story and he could be a total dick to her or something but the article I read seems that it was mutual. I would give my X-wife a kidney if she needed it but I…
I think the biggest benefit to Sombra right now is how little she is played. Most people don’t know how to properly defend against her. I have seen one or two games with a quality Sombra who just schooled the other team but they just don’t know how to counter her.
This isn’t just a problem for gamestop but a good chunk of retail. I worked for at&t at a corporate store and whatever was the focus of the month was shoved down our throats by the ARSM (area retail sales manager). In most cases in order to meet percentages you had to do some shady stuff. I was reprimanded for…
I play Symmetra in Silver comp and still get a lot of hate despite how awesome she is after the patch. Usually they go quiet after a bit of the first round or even apologize but not always. In a game yesterday I had 3 gold, POTG and had a shield generator up for almost the entire game and still got toxic chat. The…
After 8 years of bullshit directed at Obama calling him the worst president ever they haven’t earned a single second of unity.
I have a weird form of this. I have a dream where I am asleep in the dream but know that I need to wake up. Last time I remember it happening I was dreaming I was having a picnic with my wife and I was sleeping on a blanket under a tree next to her while she drank some wine. All of the sudden the sky got dark and I…
Here is my wild guess. He is going to move all his videos to his own platform saying it is fair to content creators. It will be cool for a month and than fade away into obscurity.
Ask any Uber driver how much they make after factoring in gas and car maintenance and I doubt it is anywhere near $19. Even after tax breaks. I think Uber is not a sustainable full time job for a single income household and its not going to change because within ten years it will be driver-less and Uber can hold out…
So we are going to rise the cost of most manufactured goods in america by either tariff or manufacturing it locally? How about when other countries add a tariff to our goods? Now we are no longer competitive selling outside the USA. It inst that simple or we would already be doing it.
I think Walmart has razor thin margins on most items. They make a ton of money by selling in so much volume. If they manufactured in the USA instead of china it would without a doubt raise the cost of their items.