don’t forget there’s 15 CAMERA’S on the truck. of course they’ll always work. and never cost a lot to replace...
don’t forget there’s 15 CAMERA’S on the truck. of course they’ll always work. and never cost a lot to replace...
Ahh ha! I knew it. It was a cynical ploy to upsell a GMC.
You sure this isn’t John DeLorean’s ghost?!
But some arrogant German told me small displacement and turbocharging was better. It has to be better. It’s more modern.
Because horsepower is really a measure of torque. The V8 makes more torque per revolution than the 2.7. As a result, the 2.7 must do more work to make up the difference. Unfortunately, internal combustion engines aren’t efficient, and most of the work ends up wasted in heat and exhaust.
I don’t understand the argument that “smaller engines have to work harder”, and therefore use more fuel.
I get what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sold on this engine tower concept I’ve got going.
Maybe we should orient them so that the cylinder banks are on a different planes, maybe in some sort of V type shape.
B. One on top of the other.
Could you explain to me how they would be arranged in the bay together? Preferably using only a single letter.
Okay, so hear me out. I’m not a scientist or anything, but it seems to me like the solution here is to put two of the 4 cylinders into the engine bay. The truck’s big enough, it’ll probably work. Then you’ll get even more power, and surely that will lead to increased gas mileage. Right?
Me too. How is it possible that the LEGO version looks better?
Because it’s made of Legos, it also wins the Long Term Dependability and Reliability awards by default.
Exactly! You can build literally any life-size object out of 1x and 2x bricks, or any small, modular building material for that matter. They’re mostly just marketing stunts. I’d much rather see how detailed they can make a 1:8 scale model.
A couple neat things stand out to me: because of the brick resolution (which I hope is referred to as Brixellation) you can get a better impression of the shape of the truck. I wouldn’t have expected the body sides to have a gentle bulge just below the door handles but there it is. Also the subtle creases and flat…
Call me cynical, but these life-sized Lego builds just don’t do it for me. These builds are the 3D equivalent of turning a low res photo into a mosaic.
Breaking News: The Lego Silverado just won the JD Power Award for Initial Quality.
Pero te aseguro que allá (en promedio) ganan mucho más que un mexicano...