
Wow. I suspect this is going to piss off Trump even more than the small hands thing.

I'm a man who admires Sen. Warren because she *isn't* nice. She punches up harder than anyone else in Washington, speaks truth to power, takes no shit and doesn't let anyone tell her what to say or how to vote. She's a true leader and all-around badass in a city full of sycophantic wimps. The Warren/Hillary

Yes. People think Donald Trump is successful because he just keeps saying he’s successful. Pure power of repetition. I hope the DNC is already working on a set of ads just listing his bankrupticies and financial fails, to keep on repeating that He Is A Loser.

THEN HE’LL NEED MORE ALOE FOR THAT BURN! This is an excellent plan.

His ass only cares if a woman is hot today. Bonus points for being Eastern European and knowing when to zip her lip.

“Perhaps I’ll sue her. People come to me, I have a lot of people coming to me, and saying she’s friends with that pig, Rosie O’Donnell.”

I’d be all for it if they’d include a note saying that it’s free of charge, since they’re worried he might not be worth as much as he says.

young warren was an 11.

Nah, he doesn’t understand biology. He’ll just go for ugly loser.

You’ve hit the nail on the head as to why I’m on the fence about Clinton (not so much that I won’t vote for her). Having to work the the current crop of Congress is going to be quite the task for any Democratic president. I’ve donated to and voted for Sanders in my state but we need someone with a chance to actually


“Hillary will never be as popular with progressives because she’s focused on the messy, compromising business of getting things done.”

She can’t offer an opinion, and it’s not fair to ask her to. She as well as anyone knows the nominee will be Hillary, but calling that prematurely would earn her the ire of Bernie supporters, and further galvanize them against Hillary. There would be no point in endorsing, and given that Bernie supporters like her,

“Let’s be honest- Donald Trump is a loser.”

She’s bleeding out of her lady Tweets! He’ll probably just call her crazy - that’s Donald’s go-to when someone in possession of a vagina says something mean about him.

No sighs from me.

We go live...

Oh no. For her, he would probably go with menopause.

Can’t wait to see Trump imply that the only reason Elizabeth Warren hates him is because she’s on her period.

wait for looser Drumpf to reply to her