
I was stuck at a disaster training exercise all day yesterday, bored out of my mind, so my husband was texting me interesting facts trying to make me laugh. He ended up sending one fact that I think is the best thing I’ve learned in awhile: the combination of a question mark and exclamation point is called an

Is this cat a littermate of mine? My siamese loves to hop into open clothes drawers and steal whatever his furry paws and mouth can get a hold on and hide it in his nest somewhere (no idea where, we tired following him once only to have him give us the slip) only to “gift” it back after a few days of being missing.

Yes. I was just telling my mom the other day that, although I disagree with quite a lot of what Megyn Kelly says, I have to admire her for being so tough.

I gagged when I read River’s tweet. “I love you man, but...”

He will go after Hillary in the nastiest way possible, and she will just brush him off her shoulder. This will make her sympathetic to all but her most virulent haters, and I for one can’t wait to watch!

Freaking nailed it with the fat pig/bimbo dichotomy. And all the (hundreds?) of women who agree with him sadly view other women in the same way. Except for themselves of course. They're the exception. And men would never say things about them this way.

I think it’ll come down to who gets under who’s skin first and Hillary might have the thickest skin in DC. Trump, meanwhile, is sensitive about his short fingers. It also sounds like Obama and Bill are going to be the ones firing the big guns and freeing up Hillary to concentrate on being positive. Frankly, I can see