
As the article says, it’s not the cost of including an AM receiver, it’s the cost of making an AM receiver work within an electric car. I’d have to research what is required to do that. I'm assuming that all the drive system electronics would have to be shielded somehow, and that's the cost they're trying to avoid.

Musk was attacked by bullies daily, the description says, specifying, ‘One day a group pushed him down some concrete steps and kicked him until his face was a swollen ball of flesh’”

Once you’re outside the womb, you’re on your own”, unless your poverty leads you to steal, then we'll come right back to send you to prison or to be executed.

It’s an issue with some of the big donors, who are really the only people Republicans care about anyway.

Even if they don't turn out to be "mass shooters or serial killers or Republicans", they still require all kinds of support until they reach adulthood. These Republicans are acting like they pop out of the womb as fully-independent little wage learners.

If they are worried about Social Security, they can remove the maximum taxable earnings cap. The Congressional budget Office estimates that would raise $1 trillion over ten years. https://www.cbo.gov/budget-options/56862

It certainly feels that Tesla is a company that has succeeded IN SPITE OF Elon Musk, rather than because of it.

“’Black enrollment is declining, and is actually the lowest it’s ever been in the last 14 years, at 9.1 percent,’ Pineiro added, noting that it’s a central concern for the group. Records listed on the university’s website confirm the population has dwindled from 12 percent in the 2008-2009 school year, to 9.5 percent


Some studies find better outcomes for teen workers further down the road in their careers as adults, but also find increased hours leads to lower grades and test scores.”

Reminded me of a couple of incidents from long ago.

Seven other states are have copy cat bills in various stages of possibly becoming laws.” And for some reason, you can’t list those seven states?

All of our fighters are only equipped with missiles, no guns. We need to send a slower aircraft to take a look at it. A quick search said that even helicopters are capable of 25k ft (but not hovering). Either that, or a gun and camera equipped prop plane of some sort.

I knew that there are larger protester-free zone by law in Canada. A quick search found that Ontario has a 50 meter (> 150 ft) exclusion zone, and a clinic may request that it be extended to 150 meters. I’m sure that most other provinces have similar laws.

I was going to comment that “engaging in close, personal conversations” was never the goal, but you beat me to it. As you say, it’s all about being able to intimidate them with the threat of physical violence.

I’m solidly in the “it’s ok not to wear a seatbelt if you’re saturated in lubricant from head to toe” camp myself.

I was planning on doing the same thing in 2024, vote against her in the primary, then vote for the D candidate in the general even if it is her.

I understand your point, but it appears that the family’s suit it is not saying that Katie should not have been disciplined, but instead that the process was handled poorly. She was informed in an impersonal manner, was told that she could lose her academic and athletic positions, and (most importantly) the people at S

Well, he's not called the "Chief Twat" for no reason.

His logic doesn’t hold. If any two of the six conservative judges were to, for whatever reason, not be judges anymore, then Biden could nominate two new judges. The Senate would confirm them, and the Court could then hear a case that overturns Dodd. This could happen at any point in time as long as a Democrat is