The 25 year import law would get my vote
Lack of global standards that lead to additional engineering / certification costs to deal with patchwork local legislation.
If your gut reaction to this is to get defensive (like many people in the twitter replies) then it might be time to start examining your personal bias.
Saw price, saw mileage, skipped to comments. CP.
Mandatory minimum laws are obscene in all instances.
YouTuber CGP Grey gave the FSD beta one of its toughest challenges yet
If you live on Long Island and drive into Manhattan on a daily basis you deserve every bad thing that happens to you, and worse.
You must be one of those Tesla fanboys that owns the stock but not the car. I own a Model 3 and if you did, you’d know how easy it is for this to happen. The car requires a significant amount of torque on the steering wheel to exit out of autosteer/FSD. After that it does back to steering normally. So you have to be…
Just because Tesla has no PR department doesn’t mean you have to volunteer.
unfortunately, we are on jalopnik, so because it doesn’t come with a vinyl bench seat, 3-speed manual and a 60hp N/A diesel inline-4, we must all proclaim that it is terrible and stupid and no one will buy it.
Damn it ford, just put the Model T back into production!
Like many Americans, my first job was flipping burgers at the local McDonalds. This was 1987, so the McDLT was the bad boy in town. And it. Was. AWESOME. Especially when you pulled a sneaky and added a second quarter-pounder patty and more cheese for your break-time meal (I only did it once, honest). But the…
Lets go through a quick list of things the union top brass has done recently:
COTD if COTD still existed
Nascar has never been a huge fan of Live Streaming.
Itb helped a lot. But it’s still not great. TMobile Pixel 6 128gb Seafoam green.