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    The late 80's-90's recession hit. Which was also compounded by a lot of corruption in the financial district that couldnt be covered up/recovered from easily. That was when most the big under lying issues in Japan either made themselves appaprent(banking/finance/property) and/or started as a result of trying to keep

    I dont remember if it was Nippon or Kobe, but one of them is also beleived to be why 90's and early 00's Honda and Nissans rust out so much in the fenders and underbody. The steel was really sub-par to what was expected/intended by the automakers.

    Dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

    I’m surprised that it’s just 2 years worth of cars. Not even full generations

    Ive been there a coupe times as its on the way to my aunts place. I’m not big on NASCAR but still found it really neat.

    By “Jargon” you mean well worded English?

    I’d agree with the Mustang if it was also a lighter car. I’d love a nice high revving 2.3-2.5L with say 220-240hp in a car ~2900lbs.

    Part of the problem is that American culture is that its okay to be stupid, arrogant and self entitled, and just “fuck everyone else” and the only way to curb that is to parent them. Which is why sadly in some cases nanny states are needed because these people were not PROPERLY taught by their parents how to behave in

    There was similar with SVT. Dealers had to pay in to get SVT vehicles and pay to be SVT certified or have access to SVT techs.

    CTR = Civic Type-R
    ITS = Integra Type-S

    I’d easily take it over anything Dodge, GM or Ford are putting out and I say that as a 20 year multiple Mustang owner and Ford stock holder. ITS and GR Corolla are the only 2 cars to catch my interest since the Focus RS in 2016. 

    You can get 400 from an ITS with basic bolt-ons and tune.

    The CR-Z wasn’t really powerless or gutless, not any less than a base CR-X or Del Sol was. People some reason keep acting like it would be as great as the Si’s trims they remembered, and that wasn’t the point and it didn’t get an Si and was supposed to be the small MPG runabout. Instead, the CR-Z also had an

    The Prelude most remember slotted in above the SI and under the Type R’s, and as long as the new ‘lude is better performing than an Si there wont be any real issue.

    Wish how many are saying they are expecting a Z/Supra competitor I think long as they benchmark it against the Civic Si and keep it a bit ahead of it, then that will be fine.

    Yeah i couldnt care less if they trust Ford, when I dont even trust them

    The old version could have more power than a GT with the FP kit.

    What gets me is the increased the blower by 0.35L, and is a more efficient model, and moved from a single 87mm to dual 120mm intakes, ON TOP of the improvements on the Gen4 5.0 but only picked up 50HP vs the old 750HP version for 18-23? I feel like if Ford simply spent more time on ECU tuning with the old kit it would

    Sure, but the BIKES are never going that slow. And if you vanishing in and out behind SUV’s, guess what? I cant see you.

    I DONT use my phone while driving but many times I have had motorcycles just appear beside me because they are weaving traffic and are darting behind cars, between lates and in and out of blind spots.