
I don't know if the tabloid story was correct, but the Doctor returning to find an aged Clara seems like something that would be rooted in his anxieties rather than an exit for the Clara character, since Moffat wrote a story where something similar happened to the Tenth Doctor.

Based on what? What harm has befallen Dylan?

I actually sympathize a lot with Max. He is high-functioning relative to severely autistic children, but he is clearly a person with a serious disability. He is not a "jump ball" like Hank. To the extent he is able to function, it is only by organizing his life around a series of rules, routines and processes, and

I can tell you why Lana sticks around in two words: Danger Zone.

I think Marnie and Ray are probably going to hook up this season.

There are a lot of people like Hank with Asperger-ish characteristics, but people like that, while sometimes diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, are a lot more functional than someone like Max.

If Sandler had a little more courage, he could have made this a minor cult classic. I would like to see a story that begins with the premise that a guy whose whole family is dead has a decent reason to hate Christmas.

If Sandler had a little more courage, he could have made this a minor cult classic. I would like to see a story that begins with the premise that a guy whose whole family is dead has a decent reason to hate Christmas.

You know, there actually was a "Weekend at Bernie's 2"

They manage their financial risk by splitting the cost among several studios, by getting part of the film financed by foreign distributors in exchange for a bigger cut of the back-end, or by selling chunks of the movie to outside investors like hedge funds.

The first big reason that comedy sequels are uncommon is that, with comedy more than with other genres, the star rather than the character becomes the franchise.

1) It's good that, at Christmas, we finally learn that this horrible family, which wrecks fifteen cars a year, lives in a city full of impoverished single mothers and food-insecure children.

I'm glad Sony is all firmed up, because I am sure pretty much everyone else is totally flaccid in response to this news.

Was that some kind of prosthetic thing they had strapped onto Maria? I couldn't even mentally process what I was seeing.

I think Mila Kunis's availability for "Family Guy" is limited, which is why Meg's presence on the show is limited. It's not like she's showing up at the recording studio just in case Seth might be able to throw her some lines this week.

Quagmire is just a completely played-out joke. They squeezed the swinging bachelor bit the first couple of years, and then they wrung every drop of juice from the pervy-neighbor rind, and then they threw the whole thing in the serial rapist blender, and now there's nothing left.

With Greg Daniels back in charge and the strongest opening for a season in several years, I'm interested in this show again.

With Greg Daniels back in charge and the strongest opening for a season in several years, I'm interested in this show again.