your old coach sounds like he doesnt know how arms work
your old coach sounds like he doesnt know how arms work
the quickness with which she popped back up, got back to the net, and made another diving play the next time the ball was in their court is also very easy to overlook.
And still got back to the front to help finish the play. MOTHERFUCKING GRIT.
Athletes’ physical grace always awes me (as I have none). Check out her form as she does this. She’s poised and her body posture indicates she’s totally in command of her movement. Everything she is doing looks like it was intentionally executed rather than just being desperate flailing that luckily paid off.
“dude, look how far their hands are from each other!” - my old physics bro
Number of people filming a HS sporting event = NP * DR * .6 + 1
Awe-inspiring athleticism. My only concern is how many people were filming a high school women’s volleyball game.
This is insane and insanely difficult. The sheer physics of it—to have all of your mass and momentum going (airborne) in one direction and to be able to swing with enough force to get the ball to go all the way back over the net in the other’s crazy.
I didn’t know Young Republicans read Deadspin.
Remember what it was like being young and in shape? I was young and in shape once. It lasted for about an hour, but that was a good hour.
indoor volleyball is highly underrated as a tv sport
nothing like a dick joke on a post about high school girls. Feel proud.
Incredible play, especially because she was at the net when the play began. This video alone should swing a scholarship.
“If you can get there with one hand, then you can get there with two.” - my old coach
Unfortunately, the news cycle for the metropolis of Decatur, TX has moved on to a sweet potato that’s shaped like Jay Leno’s head.
Then check out a close-up of the most important part
chosen one
I feel terrible for the Yankees seeing as they would never stoop to winning through such shenanigans Just kidding, eat all the dicks
-Signed, An Orioles fan
I’m convinced a replay official has a son around that age and immediately though, “Steve Bartman; the child will be destroyed if I call interference”. No doubt the Yanks and their fans got hosed, but still, it was the right call. The Yanks took one for the team: “team humanity”. Way to go, NYC.
Yeah, but counterpoint: fuck the Yankees