
Going to be honest, not a fan of the sudden influx of video “articles”.

If you pay half your income in taxes, you need a new accountant.

The population of Denmark is under 6 million people. It’s a lot easier to implement social programs like this when you’re dealing with a much smaller population. Denmark, like many other “idyllic” Scandinavian countries, is a monoculture.  Again, much easier to get everyone onboard when everyone shares common values

I’m in a childless couple and get asked this all the time. Personally it doesn’t bother me too much - in most contexts it’s just small talk and people don’t even care how you respond. It’s not like they’re really asking you about intimate health details or personal morals.

The level of entitlement of this guy is so damn high.

Yes, you, a single person who went to this place occasionally put this place on the map, all by yourself, because your level of influence is just that monumental. Also you’re right, they’re rejecting your child specifically - it is a slap in the face to you! Also, you and your child are the most important people in

to pets, yes. 

Anytime I see this gin, I think of the trip I took with friends to India. As a joke, one of our friends insisted on calling it Mumbai Sapphire.

Thanks for spelling out that you can use Google Authenticator for Microsoft’s 2FA, I only discovered that recently, and it’s handy.

Nerding follows: I’d be interested to see a poll on this behavior to determine how much gender plays into this. I’m searching my memory banks (which are admittedly more like rusty sieves than steel traps) and I honestly can’t thing of one instance where I’ve ever bought a material possession because I had a bad day.

You even have trolls I see...

I love that this isn’t just another tech worker talking about their macbook pro and iphone. I can’t imagine being that active and not needing like 12 hours of sleep every day.

Yet another example of how Paralympic athletes excel. For the rest of us, Velcro is your friend.

I don’t know what I’m more impressed by, the fact that she can do this at all or that she can do it with those nails.

Also, for every super successful story that you hear there are 100 0r 1000 that didn’t live up to expectations or worth writing home about. You might not be the next steve jobs, but if your business is making some money instead of losing you are in the path of being successful despite what other people say.

IFTTT just seems so weak to me. I mean, it is based on just a single condition. I look at something like Tasker for my Android phone and it can consider so many criteria, and I wonder how IFTTT has existed for so long with any success since it’s relugated to just the one.

As a boss who manages remote workers, and who has a remote boss of my own, this is 1000% true. Here’s some thoughts, some of which may apply, some of which may not:

It is quite true that Thomas Malthus did error in his 1798 prediction that living standards would decrease precipitiously in the following 200 years, as presented in “An Essay on the Principal of Population”. Instead what happened was that food production not only was able to sustainh population growth (that is, of

The answer to your title is: Never.

Phoenix has more water supply than California, so your comment is misguided.