
My question is, are these the only game in town for relatively decent graphics cards or are these top of the line cards for big graphics enthusiasts.

If you’re just wanting to play current games at a more modest 1080P/60Hz performance range, AMD’s RX 6600 can be found at retailers like Newegg or Best Buy for around $250. They’re competitive with Nvidia’s RTX 3060, but run about $100 cheaper. The tradeoff is that you lose out on some Nvidia specific features, such

I never liked Saints Row much because I found the main characters pretty unlikable and almost irredeemable. But even I, who didn’t like the characters, have to admit I found the new Saints Row characters supremely unlikable and unrelatable. First of all, two of them are already working for gangs and have no problem

It is clear that there’s a higher catering to casual players with Infinity Ward’s games, and also clear that they believe casual players enjoying the game is more important than the hardcore player experience.

So I grew up in a fairly mainstream Presybterian church as a youth group kid. Our church was pretty moderate in its politics but the retreat centers we went to were more nondenominational, and I remember there being a Silver Ring thing that was built into the weekend schedule. During it they asked us to list qualities

The unmentioned backstory is usually that the 20-something in question is a trust fund kid whose parents have an 8- or 9-figure net worth and a network of influential relatives and business contacts. But by gosh it was all hard work!

Dark Souls was such a disappointment and disjointed in getting a complete Kickstarter set. I recall it was a few years in between the base game delivery and final figure set. Unfortunately, the game wasn’t that great to play with my group. That’s soured me on any current and future SFG games since.

I would have bet you money a year ago that all six Pixel Remasters would be on consoles by holiday 2022 at the absolute latest, that there’s still no word is super weird. Plus, on the Switch especially, it’s weird that I can play FF7-12 (not 11, yeah) but not the six originally released on the NES and SNES.

A War of the Lions PC release would be so fucking cool. I tried playing the mobile version and got to like chapter 10 or 11 before throwing in the towel. The touch controls were just annoying enough to turn me off of it. 

WHERE is my Vagrant Story remake

War of the Lions with the slowdown cleaned up when, though?

And I would still just change the system clock to one year later, so the enemy died of old age.

Test Drive Le Mans was so awesome. The actual progression of time and the ability to save when you pitted. Made for a great game. 

MJF was right about everything

I disagree. Punk flipped the glass and challenged the bar.

Yeah, obviously the media scrum and aftermath was a bad look for AEW, but WWE literally had its chairman/owner/figurehead ousted from a sexual scandal just a couple of months ago, one that was probably 172nd on the list of scumbag things in his life, so yeah, let’s not pretend the company switching creative hands

The Bucks wish they were half as talented and half as capable of putting on a good match as FTR. And their buddy Kenny feels so bad for them he’ll even keep the best tag team their company has out of the video game for them.

The most cost-effective would be a staycation but then those same people would freak out at not having a 24/7 buffet. 

They should scrap all the rest of them while they’re at it.