
Can we get fable 2 HD during the process? Because that's more or less all I need. 

For once I will accept a mod. We need this, as Shepard is a female in every single play through I will make. Started like this back then, will stay like this forever. 

If it’s a rogue like, it make sense that you cannot save anywhere. Instead of putting the console in rest mode, just kill your character on purpose and start again, that’s how rogue like works.

Considering how the sales keep getting higher and higher I would say they know what they do. And have no reason to change their business model. 

seem similar to those N64 games to me

Thanks. I promised my daughter to grab it for her and she will probably enjoy turning around to take the picture with the switch in hand compared to just sit with a gamepad. 

A quick question on the input they used. Is it strictly gamepad, or does hand-held let you se the gyroscope in the switch to take photos like you would do with a camera? 

i don’t live in the US, every donation i make can be deduced up to a certain limit. But i could get 75% back as a tax cut on my packs

maybe you could try to articulate some point and talk like a decent human being. You may not like what he say, doesn’t mean you can directly insult him

Every charity donation can be deducted on your tax. I could buy games and have my government refund me. Why did they change that. 

Mainly because intersex is medically a birth defect. Explaining why people will have surgery or hormone therapy from a really young age. It's nothing funny. 

It’s just a pack of pixel. Do it, get your achievement and move on. It doesn’t have any consequence. There is no reason to overthink about that.

if you watched the footage, at the moment they arrive there are already people fighting all over the place, and among these people one is armed. Do you go out peacefully asking everyone what’s going on or do you assume it’s going to be messy if that knife isn’t on the floor quickly?

I somehow think you miss a point here. The voice actor was there as part of full project and now someone will basically deepfake his voice into god know what. And you imply it's fine as it's mod and it's free, but you know what could still be free, in a grey area, and profitable? Using the same technology to rip off

You know what you do to company pulling this kind of crap? You boot your pc, go to the bay and use their product without giving a penny. That’s how you make them understand that as a consumer you would like to be treated decently.

Like pointed by many. Pro controller is a must if you’re on switch. Don’t play handheld either, you need a good view on the action. Without being reckless try to chip a few extra hit whenever you can. If your issue is the hornet fight, it’s kinda normal. Whenever you dodge you need to hit back. Don’t just jump really

Can it beat the chaos we had with pangya. That’s the real question. Because running the golf course with 20 other player and seeing them taking shots at a tree nearly out of bound to take a sick shortcut with a special shot was pretty funny

Not at all. They cut the main story in 3 big part they called path a/b/c. When you reach the end of the first part the game barely start to be good and you will feel confused. Keep going and you reach the true ending at the end of part C. That’s a shitty way to do a game imo. So whenever you read you have to beat it

the reason is pretty simple actually, it’s on epic launcher not on steam. where the non sensical games usually find their audience.

2080 is already top tier cards. The brand new 3070 tickle it, without outright blasting it. So there is no shame in having one, if you go for top tier cards you usually keep them longer. I am actually on a gtx1080 I got from by brother who upgraded, and control was running smooth at max settings.