
they already at those card ready to go that’s the meaning, it’s Nvidia they mike every cent of their fanbase, and it has been like this for the past 5 years with the same plan as intel, slowly improve and overcharge for the 5% boost. They move faster because of the competition, but these kind of rebrand may hurt them

nowadays the digital game market is nothing like 2008, you can’t have a half baked launcher, you can’t have so many misssing functionnality, especially if you claim to offer anything good.

They should. And also middle eastern unit, since they are technically close to the 3 kingdoms.

There is money in that. Add communist and nazi-chan and you’re at least guaranteed 20k sell from 4 Chan.

Dude they updated the article. It's some faux outrage being brought to you by some half assed info gathering. 

It’s convenient to not acknowledge the hundreds of positive review with the exact same text praising that movie from new accounts on rotten tomatoes

Not to mention all the wacko doing weird ass roleplay like running butt naked in groups taking out everything not looking like their in game character while depicting 1800s stereotypes. 

Update: they aren’t. That’s why you need to do a proper journalism job before shipping article with hastily gathered information. Especially waiting to have the dev statement since it's their game 

It's okay to offend liberals. Why would you worry about offending them? See. It's stupid as a reasoning. Now you have the common troll and dick head, you can't do much with those. But you can probably talk with a part of these people, and see their reasoning before jumping to quick conclusion, as always the moron are

If they implement accurate moors to the game it would be really great imo. It's not something you can play really often. 

i currently have 297 games, and a few dozen of humble bundle keys to activate, i won’t miss that much.

The whole theme of the last game is that the world is dying. The flame fade, the lords of cinders have risen again but most fled their duties. So time is more distorted than ever (it was already a part of dark soul 1), leading to multiple kingdom merging into something bigger. As a result after searching through lothri

Regarding captain marvel I do not deny there was some sort of outrage over small things. But I would like to see people pointing out at all the fake review put on the other side, with the exact copy pasta text. That movie had a troubled release, and there was manipulation on both sides of the spectrum regarding rotten

First day 46k point from rocket league, lot of boost the game worked. Yesterday 15k from dark soul gave me 100 points.... I won't touch that thing again. And should have picked corgi like everyone else. Also it's easy to see how purging your wishlist and keep in one or two games is the best way to get what you want if

You are supposed to meet and marry anri in the dark moon tomb in anor londo. But the ceremony is more some dark ritual where you take out your promised one.

My dad bought this game without really knowing what it was. It was in the cheap bin in a game store. We found the first one years later, and that city building with non linear level is so much better. I understand why finding out these mechanics were cut can be a turn off

actraiser 2 doesn’t work straight away but can be edited to. actraiser 1 work perfectly and is a must have.

well while being different actraiser 2 is technically a masterpiece for the snes. the quality of those sprite and background is astonishing. my main issue with both game is the re-beat all bosses to see the final boss. meaning i would reach the end game and get stuck.

Ask her and she will say it's based on her name, Kim. Now you are all giving her free ads with the pseudo controversy. 

I always thought that development was great because it was subtle. It feel more natural and non caricatural like many character in anime.