
with the share ratio of epic store they get nearly the same amount of cash for each sale, it’s not a real discount if they keep the same margin. people are not fed up by the choice, but by the fact their choice was removed a couple of weeks before release. if you pre ordered on steam, it’s to get a game on steam not

Sentence is not suspended. We got a weird legal thing in France. You can get sentenced, but not do your jail time unless you face another trial (usually for short sentence) . Also there is a separate judge in charge of liberties, if that guy have too much work he can apply your sentence later, up to a couple of years.

Technically it’s an easy trick. You weight the ps4 as potatoes. Put the sticker on the ps4 bar code. Go to a self checkout, pay by scanning the box, call the I don’t give a shit at all about my part time job student who is supposed to watch for those auto-checkout. Get the anti theft removed. Done. Now redoing it in

We don’t go to a website to then open a YouTube video. We just go to YouTube if it was the case, I want to read my journalist article.

Main reason I couldn't play dead space for more than 30 min session. The tension is really there, at all time. Not really good for everyone but it really create something special

naomi and the usos would have been better at war with Sanity for a while now. An interesting way out of this is having Mandy beaten by an unknown ennemy, naturally everyone suspect Naomi (which lead to Deville vs Naomi for a few weeks).

they could have turned Bailey into a next gen john cena, appealing to a loooooooooot of young girl. but no, they made her a total geek, stupid fan turned wrestler in less than 6 month.

so is the walking dead, nut you never see a character laugh it off when they are bitten. it’s a wrestling show, we accept the fact achievement are made up, but we need something to connect and keep watching. if nothing matter just go and change my channel. i need storyline to have some sense, people on winning streak

While all I want is a remake for ace combat 2. Are there a lot of mission? It was my main issue with ace combat 6, it was so short. Hawx gave a better experience on this department

bread, you need some real bread to eat cheese not crackers. and different type of bread depending the type of cheese, you don’t stay on your daily white baguette here.

hum might be interesting, do we own our twits? if they are available to anyone to see, you could assume it’s perfectly fair to use them as ressources, so your pitch may be a possibility.

Couldn't this be the best way to hide your character while he plot something? It could be explained with a story arc

Yeah alien blood alone wasn’t already enough Shyamalan 

They could spend 0 ressource on the backstory it would be the same. It's a shooter, and only die-hard fan are interested in the story. And since most of them already create their own stuff, better prepare the next map

Well as long a spell exist or you can create one (there must be someone creating it after all). They could get rid of sleep, the need to eat, use a bathroom or wash themselves. 

No sane parent should let his 15 year old girl on a band bus. Musician are known for drugs, sex and all kind of abuses. Not for praying after each concert and going back to their family. 

True that. And we still don't know if a case is being handled against him by his wife. Way too often abuser won't face justice because their victim don't want to cause trouble

It would be interesting to know. If a few female player would rank up the ladder in the upcoming year and join a team. Someone with a solid skill and maybe an idol cult behind her (any streamer with some solid follower can bite back). I doubt there will be no sexism involved, but will the backlash be this strong? 

Game play wise. Crack down 2 was a good step forward. Co-op, 4 player, bigger variety in agents, more weapon and vehicle. But the zombie hype train was there and it sucked hard. Had they chosen a Saint row approach (with a zombie cartel dealing brains in the hood) the fun would have been there. Instead it was a chore.

No one had one of those light helmet often seen at these events (a bit like the rugby one, it's a light material and avoid ripping an ear)? And also, is this against any rule in wrestling?