
where is my shield? do you even see a normally functionnal shield? it’s not a dark soul game, it’s some nioh-esque meet ninja theory game

they get all spongy and release all their flavor in the milk, that’s the best way to eat them

if you enjoy taking risk. there is an easy way to grab a katana straight in undead burg. but is this sacrifice worth it? make sure to explore blighttown properly (normal path, not the shortcut one) to get the second one if you don’t find how to get the burg’s katana.

around 6 or 7. dad worked all day and my mom night shift. so she make breakfast and bring us to school before going to sleep, i often made myself something to eat for lunch (it was close so i could easily go home to eat). Then back to school, back home and take a snack, my dad was home around 17h usually and he took

common look at that vid, he is so fast, by the time police was there all the TV were already interviewing him non stop. Can’t catch him in front of cameras.

get 30 resistance as soon as possible. every rookie should do that

recalling back my school years, the US army send thousands of young black soldier as disposable soldier for D-day. The french had their soldiers from outer colonies. And these people were parked outside our cities and treated like savage (black guy gonna rape for sure.....) on their time off operation. So having black

as sony and MS can pull the plug on the servers, the pc version work on a p2p system, leading to user Wulf2k incredible DSCM tool providing a better pvp/coop experience than the original GFWL version (which worked quite well, except for the part were you had an xbox360 layer over the steam overlay over your game). the

gmg give us a really great information here,

a lot have changed since then, and these past two years really made a big change regarding AMD. With the launch of the RX series, then finally backing it up with Crimson their new driver platform you can say they are back in the race. But it won’t remove the dark time users had with broken driver, failing hardware,

to have more flavour you can scrub some garlic in your plate before putting your potatoes/cream mashup. Gratin Dauphinois is quite the basic meal for many french, but it is perfect : it’s cheap, not that hard to do properly, can be served with a lot of things.

the school reputation is not the same, they may have the same program regarding education but may have different standard for notation / additionnal ressources / less trouble regarding the neighborhood (i had a pretty shitty location when i was in my country college, having the cops in the building every week don’t

yet not any will to port MCC or reach to pc. These fan project just fill a void, and they are holding people to buy their product.

was expecting swamp dragon level of self destructive behavior.....

maybe some of us stay in a bright room with lights on, not only using our screen to have a source of light. i won’t recommend using it in a dark room, but for the rest of the time it’s perfectly fine

a vertical one. 50 start at the bottom 50 on the roof. between the ability to build, and the ability to base jump it could be fun

the remaster better not bring any new mechanic or ennemies. The first dark soul may be clunky and half baked sometimes, but it’s part of what make it interesting as a whole

i do the opposit, my first ever run on each soul game is solo. then i coop it to death, still playing each game at least 4 time a year.

it doesn’t mean we should suffer one full hour of clark kent while watching a superman movie. it’s nearly bluray bonuses at some point, give us the man of steel in action, not the tale of poor clark being too shy to date Lane for the 87th time.

well it’s like bizarro being a reskin of superman. it’s yes and no at the same time, now they share too much to not be considered an half character.