
It wasn’t even an option to add, the engine isn’t built for it because of they way they locked it to 60FPS. Grab a spare monitor and a friend with another xbox (it’s been enough years surely someone you know has another or upgraded to an X?) and fake the splitscreen experience. Or just play it with them online.

I can’t see Fillion being too expensive, he seems to be perfectly willing to do small projects if he loves them. If he backed out he either got something more interesting or he’s as annoyed with the franchise as the players are.

Whether Fillion decided to leave the cast or they really decided to kill him off for (over)dramatic effect... If he’s really done for, it reinforces my unwillingness to return to the game or desire to buy the DLC. Bungie has snapped it’s last brain cell if they think this is the way to bring people back.

If you already have a contract

All this is based on the assumption that this is something being done to replace a paid employee. 30 seconds looking at the game and you could tell that’s not true - they have the staff and talent to make the art they are filling in, they are asking for community involvement to create pr, hype and social investment

deleted, ugh kinja....

Edit: sorry, mistaken reply to you :)

I don’t understand how it works out for them at all. I and others I know have pretty much stopped using facebook and instagram on a regular basis because of these same changes. It makes them impossible to see what I want to see because I already limit my subscribes/friends to things I want to see a complete listing

After playing Warframe since late last summer going back to Destiny honestly feels kind of boring. The core gunplay in Warframe isn’t as good but the space magic, weapon/gear/mod variety, and speedy space-ninja locomotion feels so much more fun. That move was driven partly because playing Mass Effect and having real

“and its only actual fresh strike is locked away as a timed PlayStation exclusive”

I’ve had british and canadian cadbury - it is not that good. Frankly it’s not even that much better than the american crap (which is crappier, but really, to call cadbury top quality chocolate is like calling guiness top quality beer - *ducks* - it’s good, it’s better, tasty even, but it is not top quality by any

This one is better because it folds flat for travel/lower placement, and it’s only 12 without discount: - I’ve bought and use two for phone/switch and it works great.

This one is better because it folds flat for travel/lower placement, and it’s only 12 without discount: https://www.a

MHW? no, MHW doesn’t really bring anything on par with destiny from a social gameplay perspective. I moved on to Warframe, discovering what a damn good game it has become and what an incredible community it has.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve been able to stand watching a video on Kotaku due to the buffering issues. Without fail I always have to wait for the video to pop up in your YouTube channel instead. It’s not a connection issue, this happens on every internet connection I have used the site on, from 10mbit to

It’s pretty pointless. We might as well go where we’re supported, which is Sony.

I was there for two weeks a few years ago between Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Miyajima - I don’t remember ever running into this problem. In fact from grabbing snacks on the trains and picking up some convenience food I had the opposite issue - my bag had several extra packaged towelettes at any given time, so if I needed

News flash: just because something has been adopted by racists doesn’t make it inherently racist. Kotaku *just* posted an article defending the use of the manji because it predates the nazi swastika. Yet here you are slamming people for joking “do you know de way” in a non-racist context because some racist assholes

Agreed, largely - it may also be the source material showing its age but I watched the first few episodes and couldn’t stand it. It’s edgy pubescent BS that glamorizes pathological behavior - something I’m really sick of in recent anime - particularly because the tropes of Japanese hyper-politeness constantly get in

The flashlight is not “powered by water” in any way, it’s just an incomplete battery that needs water added to complete whatever electrolyte material is in there and allow flow to the electrodes. That’s why it is useless after 2-3 uses, a fact conveniently left out of the article. Please don’t encourage this kind of

The flashlight is not “powered by water” in any way, it’s just an incomplete battery that needs water added to

I agree.... but only if they include an option to run solo or friends only like Warframe. That has been begged for for ages as well. You want matchmaking, that’s great, but I should also be able to run it alone or with one friend. Right now they have no framework for that (which is silly since it was one of the most