
Agreed, all of Luke’s comments in the past week speak to the fact that he should not be allowed to talk lore. He seems to have a very light connection to and understanding of it. This is one of the lessons Bungie just refuses to learn, they need a better spokesperson than Luke and Deej who really knows what they are

Completely bogus that they aren’t supporting 1080p@60 on Xbox One X. No excuse for it really, the overhead is there.

I love microsoft, I play primarily xbox, as do most of my friends. It has the better social ecosystem hands down. The fact is this was a poor press conference - instead of giving them a new edge on sony, they provided haters with loads of ammunition continuing existing problems. Scorpio has no features or games to

Moving the physics server is huge, those who understand the network model were aware this was causing a lot of the problems seen in pvp and raids. It’s not perfect but it should improve consistency quite a lot.

I’m sure it depends on how many of the kotaku staff play destiny 2

Yup. Unbelievable, top mom in almost any fiction ever, one of the best written characters in existence. ;)

Neither win. Trader Joes Joe Joes do (especially the holiday dipped flavors).

Monkey: Winston. Never call him “Winston.” Only “Monkey.””

pleeeeeease... magnetic floating zenyatta.

Just looking at the top 3.... the women have massively better taste.

“than in Seattle, or even a literal freakin’ rainforest.”

Either don’t award XP for customs, or limit the amount of XP you get for consecutive custom matches/time. Banning people for wanting to play less for cosmetic items is never going to work in your favor in the long term, especially since the motive is well known.

There is a reason Bungie didn’t ban the thousands of

He mentioned roughly 3/4 of the book, which would require either clearing the new raids or a fair bit of crucible, as well as completing all three character class rewards. So I wouldn’t say it’s for *any* skill level, and definitely not for solo PVE players who aren’t comfortable with LFG (not that they expect much

It doesn’t even matter though - if there is perception of a problem, then there IS a problem. Anti-consumer microtransactions models are a problem, and in games like Overwatch where the loot table is increasing and allows for duplicates, the user experience will deteriorate over time. Even if that weren’t the case,

At this point, I don’t care about the drop rates - just increase the damn cash drops on duplicates so it’s reasonable enough for average players to actually buy a couple yellow tier skins and goodies by the end of an event (and/or don’t make the event skins so insanely expensive).

“Damn your truce,” one grumpy middle aged man living with his parents said on the Battlefield 1 reddit. “I want my n00b harvest.”

You think this was bad... just wait until they reveal that Zarya is straight.

Xbox ED isn’t cross platform play. The universe is the same (e.g. place names/discovery) but there is no player interaction between xbox and pc. That is what C smooth is talking about.

I’d say it’s the opposite, in that in quick play the people picking sombra have no idea how to play her and thus don’t do so effectively, making her feel like a pointless character. The good players are doing pretty well but I don’t think she’s overpowered. I am not a very good player but after adapting to her play

The problem, he said, echoing Datto, is that “in order to fix that, you change up what makes Destiny... well, Destiny.”