"It's great, but... there's really nothing going for Destiny that I haven't thoroughly experienced before in other games."
"It's great, but... there's really nothing going for Destiny that I haven't thoroughly experienced before in other games."
Ronon forever.
Relying primarily on unions (as they commonly run now - yes, there are alternative ways to manage unions but it's not the standard currently due to lack of either oversight or proper competition) does not work well because they are very, very easily exploited by their leadership, but you do not need to go communist to…
Actually there are a lot of things not mandated by labor law in the US that are in many competing countries and upheld primarily here by unions - paid leave being one of the most basic.
Fable Legends is one of those games that doesn't quite make sense until you get your hands on it. Fable is such an intrinsically single-player experience for a lot of us that imagining it as a co-op action game requires some mental gymnastics. Once I had a controller in my hands and four other people around me,…
*You don't have to get consent to take photos of people in Japan,* they can just hold you responsible if that image causes them real harm. You have to take into account certain expectations in Japanese society to understand what this really means, and why it isn't massively abused like it would be in the west.…
I thought she was wearing AKG K701s, then I realized if she really was her head would be GINORMOUS. Chibi-701s perhaps. :)
Also, agreed, including the "nothing beats..." comment. ;)
I've never seen anything that quite compares to Usagi Drop. Silver Spoon may have been the closest for me recently in terms of being real-to-life, funny, and touching at times (and not sappy romance). Space Brothers next (which I love, so sad it's on hiatus now). Nothing this season. Mushi-shi would be the closest…
Mushi-shi is definitely a go-to for exposing more people to anime. It probably deserves a focus of its own from someone who is more familiar with the series.
this reaction alone makes the series worth it.
not quite, but one episode almost went there.
Brynhildr in the Darkness
Tanuki and and racoons are completely different species, they just look similar - a racoon is not "still a tanuki". The ears and tail are referred to specifically as racoon in smb3, while the full suit is tanuki (tanooki).
Not the only time though, Kinnects were used for mocap in Robotics;Notes, which I thought was pretty cool.
Sadly the primal run selling is continuing and will for some time. I am on Siren, would be glad to see you there :) I may take a break during the spring but even if I do I'll be back for 2.3. I'm anxious to see what the next part of Crystal Tower is like.
This - at this point I'm so used to scifi bots that it doesn't strike me as odd at all. It's also kinda bad animation (lots of object clipping) which ruins the effect.
Oh that reddit mentality - this is a perfectly honest (and frankly, obvious) answer and yet it gets downvoted into oblivion out of spite.
Yes, he somehow thought it was a good idea to get $2,000,000,000 dollars. Look at those zeroes and think about it.
Personally, even though I'm not a huge Notch fan, I'd rather him speak his mind and do what he believes is right. Facebook demonstrably does some really underhanded crap, and not wanting to support that is not "knee-jerk", it's an honest, and frankly justifiable opinion.
The house prices dropped dramatically and relatively quickly, though still high for a large. It was not "glitchers" that could afford it either, it was and still is the companies that sell primal runs. They make more than enough off of desperate players to afford housing. Also, you missed the point of the high…