
As someone who isn't overly concerned if they change the game or not, regardless I don't see how you can perceive the ending as thematically fitting unless you are taking a very narrow view of it. Most of the core thematic aspects of the game are explicitly contradicted by the ending and its structure, starting with

"Arthur Conan Doyle did it with Sherlock Holmes, Charles Dickens did it."

FWIW, FMA was redone because the original story wasn't complete when the first anime was made, and the they wanted a canon version - not because of backlash (just the opposite really, most people were unsure the remake would succeed at first).

I am going to copy this from my previous post, because I think it's important and understated.

I agree that one of the best things that comes out of this is that it is constructively handled, both in process, and that there is constructive criticism that I think is valuable to the game community regardless of if or whether bioware responds.

The ending of Lost actually got much less hate than ME from what I've seen, and I had a lot more friends watching lost than playing ME. :) Lost was abstract enough you could craft your own ending/explanation for it in your mind.

Your argument would hold more weight if this comment stood alone, but there are several other occasions where it was implied or outright stated that there would be upwards of a dozen possible outcomes for this story. I wish I could find them, but I'm sure they are stated elsewhere. There also isn't a need for the so

Not to get to philosophical, but because an experience is the culmination of the memories, not the memories standing on their own. If you had a friend for example, and in the end of a good relationship you found out they were using or betraying you, it colors your memories of everything that came before, makes your

"To cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions"

I'd actually say they failed at their mission - polarizing implies they expected to have a split audience that loved or hated the ending. In this case, they have a mass chunk of players who hate the ending, and the rest who are just "meh, at least the rest of it was really good". Very, very few have spoken positively

His experience has everything to do with it, and it doesn't matter if he's wrong or right, he has lived on the flip side of this experience and understands what it means to work with and respond to customer demands/requests when appropriate. He is well within his rights to express his experience based on that. I for

Because I'm not going to stop reading gaming and tech media for the month or two it's going to take before I finish the game. If you didn't notice, I was particularly complaining about the *headlines*, not the material, so please don't blame me for my "lack of self control". I'm just annoyed that everywhere I look I

Can I just say, that technically spoilers or no, all these mass effect ending headlines have really put a damper on my desire to keep playing. It's all just so obnoxious, and only a few days after the game came out. The vast majority of us out in the real world will take weeks, maybe even months to finish the game,

I know some people have started in on 3 and realized just how many of their old decisions make differences, particularly with characters. Added incentive to try a different route.

I have to say, the multiplayer in ME3 was really a stroke of genius in this regard. After sticking doggedly to my infiltrator, the ability to try out other classes in the multiplayer has me really tempted to go back at least to ME2 and start over with a Vangard or Adept, just to enjoy the SP combat - and story - in a

I've never seen any of those actually *cause* replays to the extent mass effect does, which is the point of the post. The difference here is people are replaying the prior games to change the outcome of the last one. Proportionally there are many more people replaying ME, and they are doing so for a reason, not just

This is also the same as confiscating toy guns when packed in carry-ons by the way. Stick it in your checked bag.

One incident does *not* constitute a ban. This is one TSA officer making a judgement call as to the appearance of an object.

It's already been stated the PS4 will not use the Cell - a rumor, granted, but it that case a pretty firm one. The Cell was a big risk for Sony and IBM, and it didn't pay off because IBM wasn't able to make use of it on any other platform, which was necessary to make up the development costs.

I think there is some room for both when done right, I think my comments indicate that, but I don't see the scene above and think of "role playing" - I think of "story telling" (you're watching a movie after all). Which, while both could technically fall under RPG in terms of game class, I don't think of the latter as