
That museum is in Halifax, not St.John’s.

Great quote but using it to justify Elon spending 40 billion on twitter and acting like a douche bag on the internet is a stretch. 

What’s extra weird about this article is that Kotaku doesn’t shy away from calling out how billionaires suck and capitalism is making our lives worse in almost anything else.

Another day, another rich person with more money than a rational person could ever spend doing as much as possible to avoid having to contribute to society financially. How is this video games news? 

This Roadster is not at all based on the Lotus Elise. The original Roadster was Lotus-based, which was in production between 2008 and 2012. About 2,450 of them were sold.

The Second Gen Roadster was unveiled in 2017, and was supposed to launch in 2020.

Disagree on Lenny Kravitz’s cover of “American Woman.” It rocks. It’s not the original, but it’s a worthy cover. One of the “Top 25 Worst”? Hardly. I mean, you didn’t even include Guns ‘n Roses “Live and Let Die” cover. That thing is atrocious.

I keep looking for Weezer’s “Africa,” but it’s not showing up. I think my browser must be broken.

Last comment. You missed Jeff Buckley (and everyone else except KD Lang) and their covers of Hallelujah. Cohen’s song is a masterclass in mournful writing and searching for hope (and the possibility of not finding it).

Now playing

I agree with most of these choices... although I could probably add quite a few half assed rap / R&B covers by white artists as bad or worse than Boyz in the Hood.

Pearl Jam’s “Last Kiss” is good and Alien Ant Farm’s “Smooth Criminal” was a lot of fun. Why are they here?

Like everything else, launching boats takes practice. I think the biggest thing that causes these accidents is nerves causing people to forget the basics. I have a pretty solid checklist that I run through each time and it keeps me out of trouble. I also refuse to rush, no matter how busy the launch is. Rushing leads

I wish I could go back 30 or so years to the time when everyone knew Trump was a conman and most people thought of him as a clown. I’ll never forgive Mark Burnett for creating The Apprentice and rehabbing Trump’s image as a savvy businessman.

Yep. Honesty is the best policy. People try to contort themselves into ridiculous explanations and justifications when so often the truth really is the best defense.

The lesson we all need to learn from this and NieR: Automata is that when somebody asks you, “Why is this character design horny?”, it’s perfectly acceptable to answer “Because I like it.”

She’s a working actor. She’s not going to bite the hand that feeds her in an interview, and folks shouldn’t expect her to.

You certainly managed to draw a lot of conclusions about games that are 100+ hours long without actually playing them, based entirely on very small amounts of information. Clearly, we have found our new authority on the subject.

What do you mean starting to? This inane obsession with some singer’s love life is fucking strange right from the jump.

The Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Updates Are Starting to Get Weird

Those junk items are a core part of Bethesda’s signature design. You don’t like that, fine. But they’ve done this in every game they’ve made since Morrowind. It’s a core part of what people expect in their games.

I hope this movie makes a truckload of money. Barbie deserves no less.