
Uh, isn’t Rihanna a billionaire? She’s a long ways off from that kind of wealth.

Regardless of their motivations, it’s nice to see they did the kid a solid. 

“the “mandate” portion is starting to rub me the wrong way.”

Can we just please be done with mask mandates?

I assume he’ll just keep doing what he’s doing, scheduling semi-credible fights and making tons of money off it, but no one is going to take him seriously until he fights a real contender.  Pick a lane.

Stagged BS. Why does anyone give Jake Paul attention?

Jalopnik conveniently omits the part where this guy tried to flee the scene of the accident and (apparently) showed no remorse when caught.

TC4983's comment left a lot to be desired.

OK, but I’m not clear exactly what’s being objected to here.

straight up ‘you criticize society, yet you live in society?’ energy there, fuuuuuck off with it

FFS, drink a cup of nuance.

Their comment history is sending off some strong GamerGater vibes. 

Your “point” is like accusing a hostage of “participating” in a hostage situation.  There’s no other game in town, and no other way to survive in this society. The fact that the system of Capitalism makes us all complicit in its inherent inequality is not an argument in its favor. Quite the opposite, actually.

Sounds like he should be part of Dutch’s team in Predator.

South Dakota ranks almost last in terms of education quality - though I know little of the metric there.

I’m a SD native and this shit just breaks my heart. I mean, it could/would/probably does happen in every state but I hear firsthand from friends who are teachers about how bad it’s getting at school board meetings

If this were in a film, people would criticize it for being unrealistic. 

How fucking dystopian is this? Any number of shitty movies representing the awful future of this country didn’t even reach this far. I am embarrassed to be an American and wonder how long before it completely collapses..

I’m pretty sure that nobody in the history of fucking has ever used a dental dam or contraceptive foam. 

Serious and likely misguided question here... but like... does anyone actually use a dental dam? They handed them out in college, but ive never heard anyone even discuss using one, nor contraceptive foam for that matter...