
One of the nasty little subplots of this whole crazy mess has been the demonization of healthcare workers and healthcare facilities. One of these QAnon antivaccine loons died recently in the Chicago area and her fellow wack jobs are promising “retribution” against the hospital.

True. And now a Prentice will never become the Master.

do we know she was murdered tho?  i didn’t see that listed anywhere as an actual cause of death.  not saying it isn’t possible or even unlikely (we are all too familiar on how these stories end), but i’m interested in hearing the coroner’s report on the actual cause of death.

I’ve been disgusted with my fellow Americans for the last 5 years. 

If that was the case, those pricks would have put the mask on and been good little people. They only attack people who they think are weaker than them.

To be fair New York prisons are likely nicer than Texas ones.

... maybe we should just ban Texans too.

In all seriousness, why go to a place that has VERY PUBLICLY put into place rules that are posted EVERYWHERE, if you hate those rules, right? I hope they get to spend *plenty* of time here, enjoying NY hospitality in prison. 

I’m torn, not because I think in this case he might be innocent (I don’t), but because I wouldn’t want someone I love to end up wrongfully convicted for something because they’re trying to do what’s right, if for instance I was missing. I actually was discussing this with my s.o., who like you was insistent that they

not even a confirmed death”

“Like if he didn’t do anything, this is just next level scum behaviour unless there was something really wild as in her somehow forcing her to a bloodpact to never reveal where she left to.”

That’s by design, if you haven’t figured it out already.

America has dumbass voting laws.

It should be noted that once you complete this process for Google Maps, they will NOT undo it. EVER.
Whoever lives there after you will never be able to get it undone.
Many people have tried. Google can/will not undo it.

The unmellanated stupidity” is the greatest description of anything ever.  Fan-friggin-tastic.

Seems like Wallace opened himself a can of whoops-ass.

So when Faux News and Trumpville were screaming about Soros-paid protesters, not only was it false, (where’s my Soros money???), but it was also projection!

Get back to me when something actually happens to these people. I expect nothing beyond elected dems making a harshly worded criticism while wagging their finger.
At this point, the Trump cancer spread so fastly into every aspect of our political system that they could air a video of him directing the entire

American Made Media Consultants, whose board includes Lara Trump.

Constitutions are for liberals.

And when it doesn’t suck it blows. Because they do shit like this.