
I prefer Picasa 3 for this purpose. Does much the same stuff and also acts as a file manager, too.

@Bilsko: That's not really the same. While you're talking about identical percentages, your example works on different scales. Since the logic one applies to a given scale need not apply to a different scale, I don't think your example holds up. The reason I believe the case study is more accurate is because 300

You know, considering Google's sense of humor, it wouldn't surprise me if they did this on purpose, just for the giggles. I mean, we all know that the only way to keep your computer safe is to not go on the internet, amirite?

@irish_stickman: I was thinking exactly that. When you want to watch a movie or play a game, just rotate into landscape mode again.

@SWM,30isoSWF_GitEmSteveDave: I disagree. Not only is what you're proposing unethical, it's genuinely illegal. You are using the second store as a costless go-between to get what you want. While it may look like a non-issue from your perspective, your actions would cost the second store a lot of money to get your

This is a nice idea, but I don't think it quite flies. Any remotely serious composer or arranger will never pre-print their markings (even clef choice can change), which implies to me that the best use for this is to print blank stenograph sheets to compose on. However, I don't think you'd save much money (if any)

I'm from NYC and am looking for (engineering) jobs largely there, Boston, and D.C./Baltimore. Considering NYC's propensity for business firms and Boston and D.C./Baltimore's large engineering sectors, as well as the high populations of all three, this isn't surprising in the least.

VOTE: MS Office '07 Portable.

@SJRNWT: Ubuntu and Dell are going a long way to helping that along, with the GUI app installers and large-scale distribution, respectively. I think that what Linux really needs to appeal to the non-tech-savvy crowd, at least in terms of program installation, is something like InstallShield. Yes, yes, I know it's

I think NYC should be coming soon. The MTA has been advertising their new trip planner powered by GMaps (yes, I'm cool enough to call it GMaps), so the outlook is very good. But personally, I'd rather wait another year or so for it to be perfectly implemented than get half-baked directions now.

Frankly, the new favicon reminds me of the old Windows logo, circa 3.1. I really don't think this is a positive change... the old icon was so ubiquitous.

This is a lot like a program my dad had for me and my sister when we were little: Baby Keys. That version was a full-screen DOS-based program and each keystroke (no matter what the key was) would display a new shape in a new color and play a new associated PC speaker tone. I wonder if it's still around...

I use NearlyFreeSpeech.Net because they're affordable and flexible. I designed my college a cappella group's site to be hosted there, and the original $50 I deposited in their accounted is projected to run out after about three years. It comes out to a little over a dollar a month, including renting the domain name.