HAHAHAHAHahahaha ::sob::
HAHAHAHAHahahaha ::sob::
Sorry, I gotta call BS. I'm a kindred moon sister (12 day-long menses, clots that can be measured in in. vs cm, abandon all hope, ye tampons who enter here, etc). You'd absolutely inspect that knob before gobbling on a "heavy flow day", shower or not, if it just came out of your clot-cave.
Q is the champion, while also everyone's hero and greatest fear, with the exception of Picard, who's greatest fear is trois mother.
Besides which, no one can ROCK those shorts because i'm pretty sure my grandad owns them...
Isn't using a candy cane as a weapon kind of hypocritical? Shouldn't he have found a nativity scene and stolen a shepherd's staff?
How could one man raise such different children.
Weird. I stopped watching the show after one episode because it was really historically inaccurate and also scored a ZERO on "historicity" with the dumb hair / makeup / dresses, but for the same reasons including a graphic rape scene seems pretty jarring. Then again, perhaps trying to make a show about Mary Queen of…
But seriously,
Mia Zapata was such a serious loss in so many ways.
And yet, when Nirvana performed at their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction earlier this year, the honor of filling in for Kurt's vocals went to four women. Namely, Lorde, Kim Gordon, St. Vincent, and Joan Jett, the latter of whom friggin' killed it.
The rate of child vaccination in Mexico is ~96%, vs the United States ~76%
Ask about natural remedies.
I went to UVA and I just want to reinforce the obvious: whether Jackie's story was straight up fiction or just had minor discrepancies, the depiction of how Virginia handles rape cases was absolutely, terrifyingly accurate. The way that people are already using this to discredit rape survivors and give the school a…
What stands out to me in the Washington Post article are the quotes from other UVA students who are survivors of rape. Whether or not Jackie's story is true/partially true/untrue, rape still occurs on college campuses and gets mishandled by administration, and that's a huge problem. I really hope schools still take…
Sorry, Mark. Pretty misleading. Looks like all he did was joke back when she made a silly typo. She shut him down, for sure, but I was expecting a lot more than "It can be ;)" as a "pickup". Pretty weak.
and then a woman who doesn't realize what a skeezebag he walks up to him, strikes up a conversation, and asks for his number - and gets turned down for being too pushy.
im a big ol homo, but i had to resist the urge to gay bash him whilst watching the video. the sad thing is that he seems like a lot of young gay boys i meet nowadays. the even sadder thing is they dont even know what the stonewall rights were.
I've interviewed over a dozen people who check out people who pay with food stamps and all felt people on food stamps ate better
Explanation for the out-of-town stupid:
St. Louis County is completely separate from St. Louis City, which is an independent city. And from the Civil War until last year, St. Louis City police were run by the governor of Missouri mainly to keep them from being taken over by the Confederacy.
"Nobody expects to see many black people in, say, Pride and Prejudice and frankly, as three-quarters of white people don't have any non-white friends..."