well im not a professional writer. Im just another kinja member commenting on an article.
well im not a professional writer. Im just another kinja member commenting on an article.
You’re an amazing writer and please dont ever change. Dont let the bastards drag you down. Seriously, you are one of the few writers I followed from Gawker. I know you have gotten a lot of hate this last year (and im sure way more than we can know over your career) but I hope you get some encouraging messages too.
Aww its ok. if you want non-political non news article foxsnews.com is just a click away.
Well...I teared up reading this. I’m ready to fight tooth, nail and tweet for this country. for my Daughter. Hope is powerful but needs will to make change, will can become cynical without hope
My boss just blacked out on a co-worker for watching Fox News. My boss is a huge HRC fan and is the only person at the office more devastated than me.
To my deep and everlasting shame 19 yo Greenparty loving PIRG member version of me voted for Nader. I’ve never let myself forget that. I thought...this will show those stupid 2 party system believers. We can form a coalition government and take it back for the people. 16 years later and I saw it happen again, albeit…
We all made the same mistake HRC did. We underestimated the Angry White Vote and now look at us.
I’m not even a BASEBALL fan, but man I was in it for the Cubs. Who doesn’t want to see a team finally break the curse. This is a great story and don’t let some of the snark in the comments take away from that. Any sports fan...any fan will always remember the family member that brought them to fandom so anyone…
I believe Churchs (and incidentally enough) the pre-schools attached to them are also exempt. My wife used to teach pre-school and when we got pregnant, we where told that working for the church through the pre-school invalidates her. Which is why she is now happily a stay at home mom. She does manage their website…
Starred because Crabbers is the name of the local raccoon that I see nightly in the creek by my house.
I’m soooooo glad this wasnt that Max Hardcore photo that was floating around in the myspace days. I clicked on the link before remembering that was a possibility.
Well...I cant argue with that. Trump can. But I’m not him. A fact I will be forever grateful for.
I’m pretty sure clicking the links in the article on my phone are the reason i have to now clear out “news” alerts from uncle sam’s misguided children from my Google Now. But it’s worth it because, All-father above, I love these conspiracy pages. It also gives good insight into why the idiots in my immediate family…
Please don’t say true believers. it makes us lifelong Marvel fans cringe when you do. I have a list of acceptable substitute names for Trump Supports.
dont cry. dont cry.
Thank you Beth and Madam.Margie, I think i can get my schedule set using your suggestions. I missed my towns 5k this year due to not training enough so this is high on my list to complete.
my problem is that by the time i get home its almost pitch black, i have livestock to tend to and then need time for my family. Before work is hard as well since if i go running for a half hour, then i dont get to see my daughter before work. Any suggestions for managing time?
No Joke, I was looking for a version of Phantasm and somehow ended up with in the mood for love. strange times these.
WBJB 90.5 Middletown NJ. As they said on the station...all the best music is to the left of dial.
yep. same here.