
A shimmering beacon on knowledge, that’s what you are. /s

I did not consent to your stupid opinions. Stop raping me with them right now.

You’re an idiot. If you’re going to use English words, look them up in the dictionary to see what they mean. Please do us all a favor and don’t procreate.

Not me. I don’t rape people. Or are you implying that only men can rape?

Do it for you. That way, you won’t seem like an idiot over the internet.

Really? According to what source? Show me. Also, her not saying, “no,” once he had engaged her physically may have been construed to have been consent. Her laying there with her legs spread apart while he took his pants off, went and put a condom on, and then engaged her again may have been construed as consent.

But it wasn’t rape in this case, because no force was implied, threatened, or used.

Get thee back under your bridge.

Not at all. But it beats, “because I felt that way,” any day of the week. Educate yourself. That way, your opinions will carry more weight.

I’ve got a SAAB 9-3 (2010) with a 2.0T ans 40k on the odometer, XWD, so I get on it. It doesn’t burn a drop between oil changes. I do it myself and it stays at a constant level for 5K miles.

Look it up.

Gridlock is better than the cutting block. Congress should do as it’s elected to do, for the people, the actual human beings who elected them. Go ahead and sacrifice your values for your expectations. You’ll make for a good follower. Meanwhile, we need to vote for who we agree with and let the chips fall where they

So what? 50 “no’s” and 1 “yes” means yes. Did she let him smooch on her? Did she let him take her panties off? Did she say “no” at any point once he engaged her physically? Did her threaten her? Did he force her? Was she drunk? Was she asleep? No. It was not rape. Not at all. You don't get to change the definition to

No. You were not raped. At all. By definition (according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary) rape involves force or threat of injury. This story was very unpleasant to read. I’m sorry that it is a memory of yours. But let’s not try to call this rape just because you, and we, don’t feel good about it. I don't know what