Don't worry, I appreciated it!
Don't worry, I appreciated it!
I feel your pain, I've got the majora's mask new 3ds on order, I had a pre-order for majora's mask limited edition too that I was going to keep mint and sell on Ebay at a profit down the line.. I may actually have to cancel it now :(
Would you rather wait longer for the base game? I wouldn't, let them detach the multiplayer we've waited this long at least we can enjoy the awesome single player campaign in all it's glory while we wait?
I pre-ordered the CE edition on Amazon UK the moment it came up but since then another listing for it has appeared. I'm waiting to hear back from Amazon customer support to see if it's going to be a problem, I really hope they haven't listed it twice, sold twice as many copies as they're getting... that's going to…
"Her edit reveals that he doesn't have a Yelp profile of his own - one can only assume it's because he can't find a Groupon for one."
All of this sentence wins the internet today. Everyone can leave now, nothing better is coming.
Appreciate the clarification, though I understood that you weren't being personal :)
I agree there's a lot of hypocrisy in what I'm saying but I'm open to being challenged on my points.
Well I'm not a fascist I don't think I'm saying don't enjoy what you enjoy but I'm still going to question whether it's troubling or not because if you imagine them to be older anyway, why do they need to be drawn as children.
See that's an odd stance to take, of course we know it's fictional but is fantasising over having sex with someone who looks 12 years old not troubling to you? Should it not be you then (I'm not saying you actually do) that sees a psychologist?
High School or Secondary school in the UK begins at 11 through to 16 then a further 2 years of either staying in secondary school and taking a collage level study or going to an actual collage.
Precisely, I mean obviously it's far more nuanced than it seems but to me at least the visual depiction of a 13 year old having sex is far more visceral and effecting on screen than read from a book, for example I've read all of A song of Ice and Fire and I didn't even register dani's age at all, I always pictured her…
No, granted though I've only played awakening it doesn't strike me as the type of series that would.
Indeed, naturally Japanese consent laws are bound to influence the type of media they put out, but now admittedly I don't have a vast knowledge of this, but aren't Japanese pornography laws all over the shop anyway?
So you deny that the girls are drawn to appear pre-teen? It would be a bit odd that they started this school when they were 15, most kids start some form of high school at 12 or less? problem is without this stuff stipulated in game all you can go off is how they are drawn.
Granted you are never going to please everyone and I do say "at least" make the age clear, personally I'd prefer if they make it clear visibly as well as literally but I understand that often the character looking or behaving childishly is meant to invoke innocence instead of necessarily youth and all that jazz.
So you don't find hardcore sex scenes with indeterminately young, possibly illegally young girls troubling at all then? The rest of us just don't get it right, it's just the anime culture right?
You're assuming that when it's matured the games designed for it will be the same as traditional games that you play now, I'm excited for it because of its potential to inspire new types of media/game experiences.
What's your point. Are you saying that it's fine to allow it? Complaining about the reporting? Or are you being aimlessly contrary?
He has 5 scrolls, the 5th letter of scroll is L, add an L to gabe newell(l) that's 3 L's, his staff is half his height again, that's Half and he's clearly "alive" in the animations... ... jus' sayin'
Once again we come to the elephant in the room. If there were no guns there's be no gun crime.