Maybe it’s the alcohol in me, but does that guy have an abnormally small nipple?
Maybe it’s the alcohol in me, but does that guy have an abnormally small nipple?
Once in a while I’ll pull out my SNES, Saturn, or Dreamcast. At least once a year for each, I’d say.
Once in a while I’ll pull out my SNES, Saturn, or Dreamcast. At least once a year for each, I’d say.
Lordy... since when did a controller being $40 count as a deal?
Lordy... since when did a controller being $40 count as a deal?
How complete is the translation?
Gonna disagree about Resonance of Fate. I wanted to like it because it was Tri-Ace, it was unique, the fights initially looked great, and the main characters looked great.
Why such a small blurb? MH3U was very popular and MH4U was sold out for weeks when it came out here in the US.
I see the headlines now, “Man marries PSP.”
Final Fantasy 11 is cross-server with Japanese servers.
Can anyone ELI1?
I appreciate the nostalgic remembrance of the old days of difficulty, but honestly today I don’t have time to try over and over and over again.
I’m not sure which way you were trying to say with the 3DS comment, but having both I can assure you the New 3DS XL is significantly superior.
Wouldn’t exactly call getting something 2 years after it’s out “early adopting”. :P’
I don’t see the issue here. I mean aren’t the characters in animes supposed to look white? They certainly don’t look Japanese (unless they make a specifically Japanese character, then they draw him/her in a way to make them look Asian).
Not being cynical at all here but seriously curious...
Wow this game had great graphics!
Is this demo a side thing or does it give away any of the main game’s story? If it’s additional content, I’ll get it but if it’s just part of the main game, I’ll wait.
If you want all this performance AND cooling, get an ASUS. The latest being ASUS ROG G752. They have seriously amazing cooling.
What was disappointing about Dark Souls 2? I have Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2. They’ve just been on my infinite backlog.
Oh hello Imgur from a week ago.
This is true. Took me a good while to get used to the fact you can’t dash through attacks.