Sorry man. I’ve played many, many cross server games... from MMORPG to FPS, and the Japanese players are always inveriably better. I don’t know what it is, but after over a decade of experiencing this, I have come to accept it.
Sorry man. I’ve played many, many cross server games... from MMORPG to FPS, and the Japanese players are always inveriably better. I don’t know what it is, but after over a decade of experiencing this, I have come to accept it.
You can get arrested for just saying something? Jesus talk about 1984.
Mom’s spaghetti.
You HAVE to watch Rushmore and Royal Tenenbaums at least. And this video isn’t a very good Wes Anderson spoof. :P’ The only thing they did that was kind of spot on was the thing where they show what items they’re using.
Yeah, Daredevil definitely was blind on that one...
Sorry man, I know you tried. You really did. But ‘MBSAHO’ isn’t gonna be a thing.
Just wanted to say one of the exceptions is Casshern. That movie was awesome.
I don’t understand why people list Day of the Tentacle over Sam and Max!
I love me some Tri-Ace!!
I don’t mean to be cynical but how is it confusing? If you have Windows 7 or 8, you get 10 free. Also, who would think a pirated version would be eligible?
Ya’ll gettin trolled.
Forget the kissing... what’s up with that CGI?
Nah, it’ll still work. A system like 10 would be fine.
Extremely nice to see GT86/FRS/BRZ represented!!!
Is this true? I mean Bloodstained just got 5.5+ million from that kickstarter making it the number 1 kickstarter for a game of all time and as amazing of a kickstarter it is (I pledged $300), Shenmue is way more infamous and desired.
I just realized how to make FPS movement a little better looking. Right now it looks like you’re just controlling and radio controlled car. But if they would make it so that when you turn, your gun swings out to the opposite side, that would seem much more realistic.
I like 2005 version.
Man I’d get that FF13-2 in a heartbeat if not for the price of all the DLC.
Man I’d get that FF13-2 in a heartbeat if not for the price of all the DLC.
One time I played Final Fantasy XI for 32 hours. I kept getting good parties, most of them Japanese parties, and grew 10 levels in one sit through. This is when the game was very hard to level up.
So I read an article on here that said, “Nintendo states there are no plans to release a new version of the 3DS or 3DS XL any time soon.”